Finally got my butt moving to write this post and uploading the pictures taken yesterday and couple of mintues ago.
As most of you know, I took leave yesterday for a reason, which some might think is totally ludicrous. I left home at 3.15pm when I should have at 2.30pm. Stupid, stupid, stupid me. Wasted time trying to dress young to blend with what I anticipated would be a rather young crowd and end up running all the way from orchard MRT to Kino coz I was SO late!
Waiting for bus at 3.15pm and furiously thinking "Where got people take leave to be late one, I ask you? Me lor!"
There was a queue near the entrance at the linguistic section with a security guard next to it so I thought, ok...not too long afterall luckily I managed to make it. Yah, lucky indeed, I was REALLY lucky to have asked the guard if that was the Neil Gaiman queue.
Guard rather irritated: No no no!!! The queue is THERE!!! Chinese section.
For those unfamiliar with the map of Kinokuniya Orchard, I've provided a tiny and not so accurate map of it, from I started till where I ended. There's no mark on the spot as in where the queue started though coz I never got to even smelled it, it was THAT far.

The black areas are shelves, I'm not really sure how many there were but I thought it was pretty much the same. By the way, "Me at 4.15" was the end of Chinese section and start of the Japanese so when
Mr Smurfie told me to grab a book from the shelves and read, I almost flipped.
Starusticity chatted with me on the phone as well from time to time to get my status update, telling me how she understood my frenzy and how she would support me - like a bra? - in this.
This was the book that started it all - for me at least. Also he's happily married and not gay.
There was
Tashes who messaged me and offered to come with me for the autograph session though I'm sure she would have killed me if she came along. By the way, just to clear something,
Tashes, I thought when you said you wanted to come with me, it was you, sans your boyfriend. Ok, doubt cleared and back to story. The middle were the Japanese comics and my final landing spot where I sat for about 1.5 hours with badly numbed right leg and read Lee's American Gods, was the English comics section.
This is as badly taken as many of my pictures and I doubt anyone can see the long queue from here but this was the Japanese section, near the end of the queue where I was. The people you see here, they're not browsing for books, they're all queuing up.
I think I forgot to mention her, Lee was the nice student from La Salle who was standing in front of me, who chatted with me while I was furiously mad and dripping in sweat - from running. In fact, stupid, stupid me did not even introduce myself or anything in the hours we were struggling to get by there, half with anxiety, half with fear. I believe we both had that "we most likely can't make it" thoughts in our heads but having a person to chat with saved both of us - me at least - from giving up prematurely. Thanks Lee, whoever and wherever you are now :)
This stupid guy jumped queue in front of Lee and myself. I took out airen's camera and snap a picture of him. Wasn't so fedup with him anymore now, coz he and his friend left at about 6pm. Naynaynaybooboo I have what you don't!
In fact, I'm glad for having wonderful friends around to edge me to go along when I was having doubts coz I'm behind time in my aspx - I still am! Of coz also
Mr Smurfie and his friend
Mr Smurfie was jesting while I was on the phone with him earlier on in the noon when it was still the 4 o'clock hour that he'll offer himself to come queue for me - I had to rush home to complete some work and the 2nd session starts from 8.30pm till 10.00pm - which was later changed to 9pm SHARP - if he had not needed to go for a hair cut. I pondered over it then called him for help. He so nicely said YES! I was in shock mode for a couple of seconds. WOW! That's really what friends are for. I've yet met a person so nice before - with such a stuck up look somemore :P
Neil Gaiman signing my book while Illicitus snaps a shot of Mr Smurfie's back. A moment never to be duplicated again.
So I waited and waited, queued and chatted with Lee -
Mr Smurfie introduced himself to her later but didn't get her full name that is why I'm Leeing here and there - sometimes with
Mr Smurfie and finally
airen - don't know where he go to until about 6pm.
While the whole lot of us Gaiman fans - as Kino announces - were sitting down in queue at 6.30pm coz Neil Gaiman has gone upstairs to the Library@Orchard for a talk and more autograph signning, 2
airhead malay gals walked passed.
Airhead Malay gal 1: What is this? Reading competition har?
Aiyoh! Think lor gal, if reading competition how come inside Kino itself? They wanna kill their own business is it? And just what the hell is a reading competition????
Mr Smurfie told me that Neil Gaiman said "Oh! I've got to draw a star for this" when he was signing my Stardust *floating in 7th heaven now*
Anyway, back to the story in bits and pieces. Basically lots of people were there, lots of people at the back left. Some people were doing COSPlay for no good reason and parading around - didn't wanna take their photo coz I don't really like people who do that. And lots more people were determined to get their
boobs books signed while I breathed in deeply to exhale the same air as Gaiman.
Somebody told me to be contented just by being in the same building as he is. *pouts* But then yes, I am contented.
This is the autograph on my Marvel 1602 comic. I think it's extremely nice of him to draw ribbons. Mr Smurfie helped his bro signed a Sandman comic but all he got was the signature alone. I guess he couldn't have drawn sand on it right?
Mr Smurfie arrived at about 8pm. I was extremely delighted to see his face - for once. He was my saviour then coz he even so nicely bought me a cheese burger, a bottle of distilled water and told me it's on him - I have zero cents on me. We ate at the queue, bitched a while about Mr Pink then exchanged places. I wasn't so sure if he could make it either and was rather gulity at making him come do such a silly thing but then there's always hope and so he stayed. I heard
Illicitus came later on, too bad I didn't get to meet you but you're a nice person too, afterall you read my blog :P
This has no reason to be here I know but airen just bought it for me for no particular reason and so I thought to display it for all to see :D
Anyway I got home at about 9.15pm, on the way chatting to
airen on the phone about the day's events to the tiniest details - such as the first guy in the queue came in at 11am etc etc - and worrying about whether
Mr Smurfie had managed to get them signed. In fact, I didn't dare to message nor called him for status. I'd rather not know. He did called me at about 9.50pm though. The words "I got it" didn't register till mintues later...
Mr Smurfie's account here to get a better idea of the queue and Gaiman experience as he calls it from 8pm till 9.50pm.