Budding Musician
I kaypohly accompanied airen to my once upon a time neighborhood - Queenstown - last Friday to get his er hu for his lessons starting in 2 weeks' time. Learning the er hu has always been his wish and I'm sincerely happy that it's coming true for him. Though I do admit feeling jealous coz er hu is gonna take up a bit more time of his life now, which leaves him conveniently and always unavailable for me on Mondays.
See him walking so briskly and happily into the shop?
I haven't really been inside a music shop - or whatever you call it -before and seriously, the number of instruments big and small really do intimidate me to no end. I felt dumb all of a sudden as if I've entered a place I'm not supposed to be and they're telling me I do not belong there. Maybe I really do not. The only thing muscial I ever played often enough is my ipod. I can't tell the difference between one big instrument from another much less the sound difference, which the kindly sales assistant was trying to explain to us.
I stared at the guitar lying against the wall near the entrance while airen was still talking to the gal about prices and such, thought about the times when I've wanted to learn it and felt a prick in my heart. Seeing airen take up the time and effort to learn makes the urge to learn the guitar build up once more. The tiny urge however, was put out minutes later by money concerns, a dying PC and a sensible mind telling myself to set my priorities right. If I had money to spare right now, it would have to be on a new Pee Cee...
Airen was almost floating to the air after paying 200 hundred over dollars for the stick and strings combination. He is now on the first step to being a
magician musician as he muses while I calculated the possible career path he could take - with the er hu - if he were to be jobless one day.
Despite all the grumblings and so on, I do hope that he can keep the passion for this burning bright in him and play me the first song he learns - though one must understand that the beginner's lessons do not touch on any songs, they really only teach the students to produce bearable noises.
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