Kill Yew, Cue You, Q, U
Play scrabble often enough and you'll start becoming like me. I watch out for subtitles on channel 8 programs and tries hard to remember words starting and ending with not so common letters then start dreaming about placing them correctly at night.
Had a game with Mr Smurfie yesterday where I was stuck with a Q and only 1 U on the board for the entire game. I was cracking my head on where else I could place that 5 point letter Q on. Then it struck me. Where there's Q, there must be U.
Think about it. QUiet, QUite, QUestion, QUeUe, eQUipment, enQuery, sQuid, sQUare, sQuard, QUarter, kUmQUat, seQUin, QUit. Is there even a Q without a U?
Asked Mr Smurfie on the bus just now. He gave me this constipated look and decided that we should look it up in the dictionary later on - we were meeting Starusticity for dinner and job lost celebration.
Asked Starusticity later on and the smart, smart gal came up with "QWERTY". Boys and girls, no matter what your IT vocab tells you, "QWERTY" is really not a word. Like "WYSIWYG", it's some strange short form not a word and it's something to do with computers.
A decision was made at Cafe Cartel - where I lost airen's camera for a while and retrieved back again later - that we should head up to Times bookshop and check out the dictionaries. And so we did. In fact, Starusticity was so curious, she postphoned her loo trip all for it.
Opened some dictionary, look up the letter Q, scanned the pages, all the OFFICIAL English words starting with the letter Q contains at least 1 U.
Posted the same QUestion on my way back home to airen. Didn't get much answers either.
Mr Smurfie on MSN just now "damn you" me for making him look for words for Q in them and finally says "you win" to me for posting the QUestion coz he suspects they all have Us.
I'm still not convinced though "I won". Scrabble can't kil me off with a Q and only 1 U in the entire game. The search continues. Let me know if someone can think of something, just don't mention Q-Tip. I don't accept that as an OFFICIAL English word.
ok for those who are confused on why I called QWERTY a short form. read the below.
the witch says:
my dream was funky 2
mostly abt the letters Q n U
I was like oooo.....there's a word wif no U QOAM, then I go, noooooooo tiz foam not qoam
n things like dat
mr smurfie says:
hehe btw
QWERTY isnt short form lolz
it's 6 letters on a keyboard
the witch says:
tiz a "short" form of a certain type of keyboard
dat's y I called it short form
fairly unfairly fairy says:
I dun recognize it as an ENGLISH word. BLAH!
I Kid You Not, at 7/28/2005 01:40:00 PM
im feeling qwerty lolz
Merv Kwok, at 7/29/2005 01:19:00 AM
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