To Hunt for a Rubber Rice Bowl
I'm scheduled for another interview today and I'm not even excited about it one bit. In fact after some thinking and a sleepless night - not exactly coz I did sleep, juz woke up slightly earlier today by myself - I've decided that it's not a job that I'm interested in.
I read through the job scope about twice and it just kinda got stuck to my mind since then. Simple, simple, simple job that doesn't require much effort or brains. Mr Smurfie says I'm kinda crazy - he added in the words "no offence" - when I told him I'm looking for something that requires me to work hard and OT. Yes, I do admit that it sounds kinda nuts and I'm probably missing some bolts in my head but I think deep down inside, all I really wanna do is to work hard, a thinking job. I'm not looking for a mundane life. I'm seeking a career at age 26 and 3 months old and going home on time seemed a job more suitable for a woman tied down with kids.
Gonna call the agent in about 10 minutes' time - I'm such a coward not calling him now. Even got airen to write me a script to reject the offer sincerely and ever so nicely. I feel really bad though coz I applied for the job in the first place and he really made effort to help me arrange for the interview.
This part is written 10 mintues later after the phone call.
I've called him up to reject the offer of interview. The agent was furious in his nice talking way - I wouldn't expect it any other way either - with more than a pinch of sacarism by his laughter. Ok, I mean I'm sorry I booboo your job but that's really not me and I had to stop myself from wasting more cab fare - borrowed money from mummy somemore. You blew a maybe only commission, I might have blown my own career away. I'm not taking chances anymore. Not gonna anyhow, anyhow hantam just to secure a ricebowl either. This time, I'll take long moments considerations before I send out my resumes.
The quarter life crisis is not over yet. Not least till I find some super, steady rubber - can stretch type - rice bowl.
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