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Witch’s Brew

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A New Home

Great! Before I even start announcing my shift from Blogger to elsewhere, I did a quick scan and look at what Blogger did to my paragraphs. They're all messed up, in all my posts.

Anyway, I've officially moved. Get away to www.witchsbrew.wordpress.com if you're interested.


Friday, April 21, 2006

First it was Dogs and now Bitches

According to my sis, bitches are supposed to be tall and pretty. Anyone who is not pretty, short or shorter than her - she's slightly taller than me and that is according to her also - and bitches is not considered a bitch. I never knew there was such a requirement and wondered if I could one day ascend to the level of a bitch.


Was reading this article in today's well...Today papers under the heading "What's proper, what's not...". The article was about how Iran is getting all strict on people with radical dressing such as tighter clothing, outlandish hairstyles etc and get this, "people walking per dogs - an activity long denounced as un-Isamic by the religious rulers". I'm not sure about others but I was rather appalled by that statement. Dogs in Iran? Are dogs even allowed on the streets of Iran and their neighbours aside from the one with the Dead Sea? Hell, are there even dogs in the middle east? Alright I know I haven't been blogging. Let me just make some major changes to it before I start getting regular again.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

No No for An Answer

Some of you might have heard me ranting on and on about some crazy woman who has been bugging me for action regarding some projects I've not the slightest clue on. Sorry if I'm ranting about the same stuff again but I'm seriously going nuts, stuck between a rock and a prickly place. Either way, I'm gonna get hurt, thus I've stopped moving. Completely. I ignore people who don't take my No for answers and stopped answering coz I hate myself repeating "I don't know". And of coz I stopped and pray that my friend comes back from his reservist soon. I hope he breaks a leg and come out of it immediate. I'm lazy in getting the pictures for my birthday out therefore, the post shall delay for a while more however, I would like to brag that I got a Nike Anvril watch for a present and I got myself V for Vendetta the graphic novel.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Thanksgiving Weekend

The weekend was filled with some disappointing surprises, wonderful presents, great tasting cake and stupid jokes. Ended in a drunken splendor from 7-11 drinks, singing "If you're happy and you know it" in the night and awaken to a gateless house after a nap the next day. Pictures coming up asap, in the meantime, a picture of my mum and my Famous Amos cookie.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Thanksgiving Eve

The mood is 45% excited and 55% worried. I'm still disliking surprises. By the way, I cracked a surprise this morning when I accidentally saw an msn conversation between my sis and airen. Slightly disappointed at knowing what's coming up, yet amazingly phew - if that exclaimation should be used as an expression - to at least know something. I'm getting a "surprise" fruit cake tomorrow. Before I post this up, think I'll needa adjust the mood a little. 35% excited, 65% worried. 20 of the 65% is coz a male friend told me he's decided to cross the bridge and join in my lipstick shopping. Damn those broken backside mountains, movies whatsoever. I do hope he's kidding.