All Things Living Have Souls?
According to Buddha - so said my Christian erm...friend, Mr Smurfie - all things living have souls. Thus the topic of the day in the midst of Yings and Yangs is, do sperms have souls? And if they do, it must be really hard - pun intended - on the men - not the general term but the male hormone sapiens - carrying such a huge burden with them.
The next question, if all living things reincarnate, do sperms go through the same reincarnation circle as well? Now if they do, how merciful is that, if reincarnation actually meant becoming sperms again, going through the whole swimming process, in the meantime most likely getting rejected once a hundred more times? And the circle continues, you fail, you try again. Might as well, have them become real life, living, breathing professional swimmers. Oh, but then again, that would also mean sperms. In fact by means of reincarnation, does that simply mean that we're thrown back into becoming sperms, one out of billions and millions waiting for the command to go ahead? All these years of square box education where people gets reincarnated as pigs, dogs, insects and people seemed so out of logic now. I seriously do feel cheated. These movie makers really didn't know what they were doing when they were planning scripts.
On the other hand, this might have given the new meaning to starting out from really small.
ooohh... dang. im gonna get flamed for this haha
Merv Kwok, at 7/11/2005 07:45:00 PM
flamed? I actually thought someone should really study into this and write a thesis maybe.
I Kid You Not, at 7/13/2005 11:23:00 PM
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