Bouncing Back in Place
Nothing gets me down too long especially when I'm furiously mad I supposed.
Some tiny hours after the earlier blog and anger when my sis hitted a nerve, I went jobsdb and started sending out a few resumes when before I had wanted to start only next week - coz I was still rather uncomfortable at sending things off when I'm not even half way through my aspx. Heck it now. I'll just do it as I always do, modify my resume, hype things up in a big way and just click on the send button.
Anger is good. So is pressure. It drives me up the wall and when I have no more place to run, I usually break down hard and start hitting back - in a good way mostly. Though I had really wanted to stand up, walk over and slap Mr Pink hard on the cheek coz he is so damn stupid - raise your hands if you know why - getting so much more pay than me, doing so much lesser work and plain dumb. Ok now...I think I'm the stupid one instead for so obvious reasons...damn. Er...not the point now I supposed.
Another good thing that came out of it was that in my anger and pseudo depression, tears started to form in my eyes for a while - only a while like 2 tiny drops. Good news if you asked me coz I haven't been having real tears for a long time due to this small eye problem I'm having. Dr Soh said my eye muscles were too tensed up and eyes don't produce tears anymore. Seems like I can now :D
Whatever now, back to work and Neil Gaiman still has to wait for the next post.
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