Night of Silly Misadventures AKA The WAH WAH Night
The night of July 12th started out like this... (Read Starusticity's chronological account of the night's events)
Mr Smurfie: How about we go for Mac?
Me: Go ask her how lor. Today her last day.
Starusticity: But I can't go yet!!! PZ is still inside!! blah blah blah...I needa be home by 8 (to watch TV lah) blah blah
Me: Ok we go downstairs and wait for you.
Minutes later...
no sign of Starusticity.
Minutes later...
still no sign of her - wave bye bye to Mr P though.
Minutes passed...
after all the "wah lau! now then come down" crap, we made our ways to the bus stop supposedly to go Mac at Clementi for a chop chop meal then while Starusticity head home for TV, Mr Smurfie will needa be at Pasir Panjang to sign his employment letter - new job. this guy, so heng.
At the bus stop...
3 people couldn't get on the bus not coz it was that crowded but the people in the bus wouldn't move inwards if their life depended on it - likely coz the fat, fat army guys on the bus stinks.
Starusticity: What time do you need to be there?
Mr Smurfie: Latest by 7.30.
The time was 6.30pm, we're waiting for bus at Ulu Clementi and still going for a Mac meal.
Starusticity: How are you gonna go?
Mr Smurfie: Take bus lor. Take 200. It's behind the Pasir Panjang Food Centre. The other day kena from the cab driver coz I didn't know where it was. Take bus better.
Starusticity: Aiyah! Tell the cab driver Pasir Panjang Food Centre lor!!! Why not we follow you there? We eat there also!!!
The 3 now tries hard to flag for a cab and managed to get it after a short while, though the uncle was a bit strange.
Starusticity and I were chatting happily on the cab taking pictures when someone in the front seat suddenly go "reach already, reach already". Huh? In the middle of nowhere that's full of cheese prata stores and lotsa uncle karmas.
Mr Smurfie: Aiyah! Wrong lah. This is far away from where I was supposed to go.
Me: Eh? Then why you ask the uncle to stop???
Mr Smurfie: I thought all shophouses look the same mah and that place also have that -> pointing to PSA containers.
Then bobian lor, the 3 had to walk to the NUS bus interchange while Mr Smurfie calls the company people out to ask if bus number 10 goes to the correct place.
Starusticity: YAY!! I've always wanted to take bus 10.
Me: Har? Why?
Starusticity: Coz it's one zero mah (her name in chinese)
Sense her happiness on bus 10
Wah lau we take cab for the sake of taking bus one
zero lor.
The ultimate sotong king.
Me: Wah! Can go Haw Par Villa from here leh. Can also go Sentosa.
Starusticity: Wah!! I like this place got pubs! Wah! Like Ally McBeal leh! So cool! Wah!
Starusticity: Eh? Your company no signboard one?
Me: Hey! We're here and we're going up with you!
Mr Smurfie: Please.
Starusticity and Me: OK lor. Wah! See got Indian food leh! blah blah Wah! blah blah...
No sign board but got mailbox.
Mr Smurfie abandons his friends for upstairs while Starusticity and myself go survey the surroundings.
"WAH! Got Cold Storage! Got Guardian!! WAH! Got Jap food but expensive desert shop!"
"WAH! Got so many pubs!! Got 7-11. Aiyoh! Got church even!!"
"Wah so many Ang mos!!"
etc etc etc etc etc
Time goes tick tick tick...
Starusticity: Is he coming down? Where is he?
Me: Sekali he go home liao!!! The bus stop is directly in front of his new company. Sekali he come down, see his bus and then just zoomed in, forgetting about us...maybe we should have followed him up.
Ok, he wasn't so mean though he was rather late in coming down.
We boarded the bus 51, deciding to go down to Queensway for our long deserved dinner, not before uploading Mr Smurfie with all sorts of information.
"There got cold storage lor, then here hor, wah sia! Got foot relexology leh! Do work half way can come down. Got lotsa uncle karma food."
"Got 7-11!! 7-11 leads to a back alley full of food also. There's seafood resturant on the left and, and a church!"
Can get a shoulder massage halfway through programming.
His ears wasn't spared even when we boarded the bus coz Starusticity and I were long time patrons of the Queenstown, Alexandra area. We lived, studied and I worked there. We were going on and on about "Hey! That's Alexandra Village good food!" "I worked here for 2 years!" "I studied opposite her workplace for 2 years too." "We were visiting the same doctor for years too!!!" "There's a T-Rex over there!" "I was born THERE!!!"
Even after we alighted, we were still going on and on and on like "There's Ikea. I-KEA." "There's Queensway, where you buy cheap sports shoes." It was that hyper. The exclaimation marks were not excessive.
Dinner was a fun filled event with details of weird school stories such as the flying roof, the haunted loo, the burnt down labs and of coz all sorts of unrelated crap. Lame joke of the day was the potato in the gunny sack. Be nice to me and I might just repeat it.
Mr Smurfie: Earth!
Me: Fire!
Starusticity: Wind!
Me: Water!
All started singing the captain planet song. It's a wonder how one of the most disliked cartoons in the 90s - by me at least - has the most memorable song and phrases. Don't believe me, try the Visionaries and see how much of the phrases you can mumble out, much less the song.
Mr Smurfie: The sissy guy with the HEART power should be a politician ley.
Me: Why?
Mr Smurfie: HEART! Ok now you all listen to me...
Starusticity: I think HEART is to talk to animals only lah.
Mr Smurfie: it? haha
EEEK!!! The night has ended? Har? Yah I think so, kinda.
End of the night, we each went off our separate ways, like it was in our still young careers. Our paths might cross again one more day, even if it did not, it is nice knowing these people at the bridge, however lousy a place it was and Starusticity managed to reached home before 11pm to catch the tv program she missed at 8.
those pictures weren't meant to see the light!!!!!! *collapses in a heap*
starusticity, at 7/15/2005 02:33:00 PM
oooops sorry forgot about the deal on blurring your pix heehee.
I'm using paint mah - no blurring tools - will see what I can do about them haha.
I Kid You Not, at 7/15/2005 02:43:00 PM
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