WTF from today onwards shall be What Time, Friend?
p l
Being the extremely nice person that I am *loud applause* I took pity on airen's pathetic dead leaf - it's called Falling Leaves - and make it my obligation to write in there. From now onwards - 30 March 2005 12:45pm, all shrimp biology lessons will be found on Falling Leaves. Pester me no more.
Suddenly, everything is off balance. I feel as if the earth has revolved 5 rounds with me still stagnant at the same place. 1. Xiaoye - my cousin - and her 193cm tall basketball playing boyfriend are going on well, well accepted by the rest of the family now. The next time I see him, I expect to see a sign of approval on his forehead. The question here - still - is, how do they kiss? 2. My brother after much hesitation - he is so whinny - decided to take my mum's advice for a match making session in Malaysia. What is match making but an attempt at constructing a romantic's love at first sight. Who is luckier, my mum, my brother or the gal, I do not know but the match was made. The brother who speaks to me only when necessary sent me such a message on my handphone yesterday when I told him not to wait up coz I'll be working OT.
My brother: May kuan yin bless you Me: ???? !Shock is not the word to describe my feelings upon receiving it. Regardless, he is in high spirits lately. We're expecting an inter-national - she's Indonesian - wedding pretty soon I think. 3. Airen's sister is suddenly getting married in May! The word to describe her relationship and the speed in which it is advancing forward is "Sudden". We suddenly hear her having a boyfriend, suddenly hearing about her preparation for her wedding next year, suddenly she's buying a house. Ok, of coz the ultimate one is knowing her ROM date. Sudden. No better word. Alright, spontaneous then. My part of the earth has stopped rotating. We've forgotten yet another 27th. We've tried going to HDB to look at flats for preparation to apply - not sure when. The important word here is tried. We tried. We really did. We tried going last Saturday. We went to the one at Bukit Batok near West Mall. For those who are similarly clueless, I'll be nice here and explain. If you're looking to apply for flats, HDB Hub 480 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh Singapore 310480 is the place to go. NOT the one at Bukit Batok or anywhere else. You pay your fills, get financial help and what not there. Evolution has abandoned me. I suspect I'll be the only walking human being left while the rest has mastered the art to fly.
...if I'm not wrong. I'm not a biologist, neither am I very interested in it - or shrimps for that matter. However as per Starusticity's request, THIS is how you tell if a shrimp is pregnant - in this case, Crystal Red Shrimps, the ones that my airen is crazy over and owns.
Shrimps as what my airen suggested are like human beings, biologically. The female ones have tummies - I was very insulted by this. I would prefer to say that we have a curlier figure, therefore prettier and sexier. The below picture on the right depicts a female pregnant shrimp in the midst of aqua-rium vegetation, note the protruded tummy filled with black spots. The black spots - pardon me - are the eggs. The one on the left of coz is the boring male. They are staring at each other right now but don't ask me how or when they'll mate. They usually do it when we're not looking, at least when airen is not looking - he is constantly staring at the tank, tracking their progress – though never actually seeing anything.
By the way, airen got to know of a certain shrimp expert with suspicious inclination towards the wayward side, in other words, gay. He is constantly calling, messaging airen. The first words from him usually are "How's your shrimps? Given birth yet?" - a few times a day. Now that they have a few more topics to chat about, given the current status of 2 female shrimps, I cannot imagine how many more times the guy’ll initiate the communication, per day. *shudders*
There are times in my life when I wish everything would just end - not my life. I'm talking about the Big Kahuna Reef game here. Ok, I pretty much suck at the game. It's boring. OMG! It's killing me slowly in a way. I can't complete a level and they won't let me die??!!
Oh yah, just in case I forgot, I was elbowed by a...let's call her a bitch - just coz I was pissed - on the chest - ! - while getting off the bus 189. I'm gonna have to start either by suing the bus company - TIBS in this case - or the passengers if it starts getting too frequent.
Airen is becoming granddaddy shrimpy - for those who do not know, his latest hobby is shrimp mating, though it must be understood that he does not mate with them rather he hopes for their eventual mating and reproduction of baby shrimps - he spotted 1 pregnant shrimp in the morning on 25th March 2005 - that's GOOD FRIDAY for him - and another at noon. He is currently deciding on the names - NOT!
Speaking about him, he had the cheek to tell me that we've forgotten about the 27th again! - we forgot about it too last month. It was supposed to be our 29th month together. Once forgotten, always forgotten. I knew it. It's not my fault. He is supposed to remember it. I have a bad memory and I don't have calendars lying around at home, he knows it. I'm not gonna take responsibility. Airen, you better apologize to me and you still owe me $10 for the bet on Saturday.
And one final thing before I log off. The most important thing today had to be the arrival of Mr Smurfie , the new programmer but I completely forgot to mention it. Terrible me, always drowning in my own piss - ? !!! not literally.
Realized that I've not been going on and on about games. Haven't been having game dreams - and nightmares - for a while now. After all the diner dash, pizza frenzy and so on, it's tough to survive without a game or 2 in the office especially during lunching hours when surfing the web numbs the brain and there's nothing to blog - or read. The latest game that Starusticity and I are playing now is Big Kahuna Reef. It's not exactly new. In fact the game has been hanging around long before diner dash I think - just that it's not so visually appealing to us to click, download and try. Looks are still the most important factor in a decision and of coz the name as well. For the first time - well at least since the we started serious office gaming - starusticity is clearing the game while I'm still dangling in the midst of nowhere. She loves the block moving, visually intellectual games while all I can say is I'm not a bejeweled person - at all. By the way, she's at her last stage now, level 99 while I'm still struggling to keep my eyes awake at level 36 - not to mention keep up with her. Oh yah, from this post onwards, I've decided to link my friend's name to their blogs each time it's mentioned. Kinda publicity thingy for erm...- yah I know, basically everybody who reads this blog knows one and another - and their blog sites of coz!
Stayed up all night reading xiaxue trying to see what all the hype is about. What can I say? I'm now a convert. This gal reminded me of an important word I've waaaay forgotten. Fugly. Would need to link up her soon for easy access. She reminded me of an easy candidate as Mr Pink's girlfriend too but I shall not go on. I'm just gonna take deep breaths and try to be nice to him till well the end. POC has officially busted.
Was talking about woman's armpit hairs with airen just now. Really don't understand how some women can leave them unshaven and still bare them in full view to rest of the world. Airen's Finance Manager is in the same category as these women. I heard that hers is a long curly strip. He and his colleagues are thinking of a good way to try to get a picture taken of it. Anyway, while waiting for a picture to be taken, I did my own research - yes, I actually did research! Try this on google, search for images, type in "female armpit hair" and take a look - please note that some of them are nudes and none of them nice. If you do try, take a look at the first picture. It's soooo...whatever the word might be that I can't bear to post it here in my blog. OMG! Yes...that's the phrase and yes I shave mine thank you.
some people simply do not understand the meaning of annoyance. I'm driven to the wall - ready to knock it with my head and die. Stop making tongue clicking noises and all sorts of saliva-mouth noises already! ARGH!!! Stop it!!! He's doing it again! I'm going crazy!! It's win wonderfully remarkable – and remarkably win wonderful - how loud it can get when the person is sitting next to you.
Hey! You're not welcome here you geddit? Shoo! Go away!
It's driving me mad when xiaomei's earphones are stuck to my ears. Can't imagine if I were to forget her for the day. It's getting louder and louder. I dread the moments xiaomei pauses to sing another song. I dread the soundless moments from xiaomei. I could die! In fact, I could be deaf first. It's amazing. Mr Pink has not been making throat noises and now this unwelcome person invading the privacy of this once bimbotic domain is overtaking Mr Pink's once standing ovation, award winning sounds with his disgusting noises.
Airen found this while surfing for fishy stuff on yahoo auctions.
Bikini Bottom right in the privacy of your home? How's that for cool?
erm...Sponge Bob's Bikini Bottom.
I need to buy a very nice bimbotic notebook so I can be cute and cool at the same time so I can write whenever I've got the time yet not the time to go online - like now when I feel like complaining to my online husband and there's someone peering over my shoulders. So many things. So many incidents - accidents, whatever - so many thoughts left unwritten. My blog needs more words. Yah and it needs to update itself too.
Blogger! Hey you! Listen up! My number of posts is still 31?? Halo??? Anybody there?
I saw a gal writing in chinese on the mrt before. Took a peek and caught some very nice - not to mention chim - chinese words. Puts me so to shame. Looks cooler than me somemore...not a very good thing.
Need and want does not seemed to coexists. At least not in my world. In this most recent case, I need exercise but that does mean I want it.
I'm currently preparing the orientation details for my new programmer. The preparation of the employment letter, the signing of it to say "yes, now you officially work for us", all the fuss are bringing back memories though the employment letter is still nowhere to be found. Mr O promises to do it tomorrow and I'm crossing all my toes.
I recalled the first time I went for an interview. I was caught in the rain and arrived there drenched and shivering. I carried on to drop my resume, certs and all on the floor when I was trying to stick my photo onto the application form - I bought and brought a bottle of glue! - in front of the HR gal who glared at me in disgust. *hmph!* Still got the job - don't ask me how. Anyway, I got the job within the next half an hour. I was ecstatic, - my agency was over the moon although it was bright day light - I agreed to it on the spot - rejecting my other interview the next day. This company then went on to insist that they want me to join asap when I suggested the 1st of the next month coz it was already middle of the month.
My agent: They're desperately in need of someone. Anyway, it's better to join early mah.
Me: Ok lor.
Oh really? Why is it that they took almost 2 weeks to get back to me? Claiming that they cannot process my employment letter coz the GM is outstation? - Note this, I signed my employment letter on my first day. This is sooooo wrong. Readers of this blog, please do not follow my small foot steps. It is all soooo wrong!!
It was interesting to discover later when my new colleague told me during a lunch chitchat that they hold back her employment letter for about 2 weeks, claiming that the GM was outstation when they keep insisting they need her asap. Hmmm....familiar? What's even more interesting was that in my 2 years there, the furthest the GM went was Sentosa. Outstation? Yeah right.
By the way, did I mention that Mr O says the new programmer will sit next to me? YAY to no more strange smells! - I remembered sniffing a bit and there wasn't anything strange.
Being stuck in the middle is not a good feeling. On 1 hand, there's the possibility of bad blood. On the other, there's the possibility of lose of help. What do I do? All I want is for my assistant to get officially employed. Oh yah and to remove unwanted smells and sounds - officially!!!
The sight and supposed taste of them makes me sick. I'm breaking out in cold sweat looking at them knowing that I'd have to swallow large, cold, hard pills - well actually only one. Leave me alone. At least this once. Pills and me do not mix. Not today. Reason? Unknown.
The weekend just passed has not been a good one. I led the life of a victim in a horror/thriller movie. Extreme fear and sleeplessness are perhaps the only words to fully describe - I seriously thought I might die. The other one is hurt. I strive to run away from it all. To be protected, to protect my loves only to realize that I am weak. Too weak to be protected. Too weak to protect at all. All I can hope for now is to pack my bags and leave - far, far away. To pray for love ones if I can't bring them along.
I'm guilty as announced. I know something most people do not. It pricks my heart to see the person opposite behaving as always because he does not know. I hate knowing more. Makes me guilty as the one axing. POC is going out of business soon.
Brother. Home. Late. Dog. Barks. All Night. Me. Tired. Sums up the morning.
I'm still seeing his face, first time in an interview, nervous, looking at me for a reassuring smile. I'm guilty. I did not choose him - the cute guy as named by Starusticity. The pressure is getting to me. I felt like saying "What the heck! Let's get both!" but of coz, it's a no. I had to make a decision. I feel as if I'm drenching an innocent poor young guy in ice cold water though I did not have to make the call to say "No, not you." But then, am I not pushing the other one to die by choosing him to work in this place, next to me?
You must understand that there's no point. The job has been handled over to you, the template has been passed. If you really must know if numbers are needed at the bottom of the barcode, ask the boss, not me. I shall repeat myself again to you, Mr Pink. 1. I DO NOT know how to generate the barcodes. 2. I DO NOT know where the barcode numbers came from. 3. I CAN NOT make the decision if you should display the numbers. 4. I WILL NOT be making anymore badges so the rest is up to you.
This happened a few years back when I was still at my first job, doing technical support. I was 22 I think. My good friend/colleague Ms V was busy at her PC after 6.03pm - the official off hours - still doing work. She turned over to speak to me and decided maybe she'll never speak to me again.
Ms V: What are you doing?? Aiyoh! I thought you're doing OT!! Somemore do until so serious and kept so quiet! You ah! Don't know what to say about you. Me: Erm...oooops...This was what kept me so busy after 6.03pm that day... It started with an idea -> This is Darth Vader Then a coaster and a scanner
I'm posting this again coz Blogger rejected my earlier super long post *shakes head*
The DotCon event was held on the 5th and 6th of March at Peninsula Excelsior Hotel. Silly us took the long route by circling around Peninsula Shopping Centre till a security guard told us that it's in the next building.
The event wasn't all that impressive or huge but I think due to loyalty to the forum that I frequent - SGCollect organized it - I felt extremely proud and excited to be part of it. It was funny though coz all it took was 10 minutes and we completed the rounds at the event.
It's good that we lingered long enough though coz sometime in the noon, Boba Fett and Predator paid us a surprise visit. Airen was so excited about it that I had to help him take a picture with Boba Fett - most guys' fave character from Star Wars or so he claimed - using his handphone.
Tell me again that life is fair? Life is so fair that my picture with Mr Friendly, Boba Fett had to be blurry? I don't even recognize myself.
The rest of what happened that day I'm sure readers of my blog will know - part of it at least. We bought Winter Wonder Fest Pinky for $70 then running out of money, walked all the way to Raffles City to draw another $200 - not using color pencils - then brave the hot hot Singapore sun back to Peninsula Excelsior Hotel. It was only later then we realized, we should have gone to Funan to withdraw money instead. Funan is just next door. So smart hor? But at least we got our money and airen got himself a Darth Vader light sabre - the replica type that does not give out light.
Something to note...
On our way out from the event, I heard a short excited conversation between a small boy and the lady who was - should I use is? - obviously his mum.
Boy: Just now hor, got his girl the predator stand behind her then she scared lor. Then I laugh at her leh. So funny. Don't know she scared what? hahaha hahaha Boy's mum: SSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Boy: *giggle giggle* *giggle giggle*
It was quite obvious lor they were talking about me... By the way...Blogger actually approves of this post!! Finally!! I'm accepted!!! Oh! I think I'm gonna have to cry. *sob sob*
Extracts from the Witch's email to Starusticity - kinda embarassing really. ----- Original Message ----- From: Witch's Brew To: Starusticity Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3:58 PM Subject: Re: welcome back!! damn! no wonder I felt kinda odd juz now my nikes muz b kinda worried dat I'll eat them up while the chocs were looking kinda embarassed thinking they stinked!! I'll go buy others dis wkend!!! YAY! 3 cheers 4 TM supermart!! warm n fuzzy, warm n fuzzy ----- Original Message ----- From: Starusticity To: Witch's Brew Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 4:16 PM Subject: Re: welcome back!! hahahahahahah eek u mad snickers lover!! goo goo buy the others!! so fun! so any easter choc pkg things heh btw got mini twix also but i prefer snickers la btw its S N I C K E R S not S N E A K E R S << shoes ah heh ----- Original Message ----- From: Witch's Brew To: Starusticity Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3:58 PM Subject: Re: welcome back!! yum yum I love u Starusticity 4 feeding me wif sneakers I ate 2 olredi gave me dat warm fuzzy feel - I spelt fussy juz now
It's time of the month again - not my time of the month - the supermarket who's website we're hosting will be having their monthly promotions soon. W is given the task of cropping the pictures - have been cropping since yesterday and has even gotten Mr Pink to help on several occasions. I think he did something then "lost" the original file - which can't be coz they're in the cd - yesterday and made Mr Pink quite mad too.
I heard Mr Pink ask: How they teach you to do? In my mind I go: They? They who? There was only 1 and that was Tashes. AND she did teach properly him as well as accompanied the slight teaching with user guides. If they includes me then I really wanna kill him. Make that both of them.Tell me again that cropping pictures doesn't require much mouth sounds. I'm hearing so much I think I'm going deaf. The supermarket website had some broken link problem. Mr O complained to me that Mr Pink took 1 month to get back to him and got back nothing so he told his friend to check and his friend immediately found something. Ok fine. Then there was the cannot see certain menu graphics problem in both hospital and supermarket websites in which Mr O asks when did these 2 problems first started.
Mr Pink as usual replied: I just took overHuh? Just took over? What? Then he emphasized that he just took over the supermarket project from Tashes... I had to emphasize back that Tashes never had any problems reported to her before. ooops I just gave him a hint on this small page when he came over. I hope he didn't read enough. It's meant to be a gossip.
I wrote a super long post complete with pictures and I got kicked out by blogger - blogger error - and there goes my DotCon 2005 updates *sob sob*
What is it about men and phones? They simply don't pick up. Or should I say office phone.
Why oh why? Why does he have to sit here? Day in, day out? Go back to your own place, you're freaking me out!!! My privacy is being invaded. I'm going crazy, freaking out at every single sound or action. There are smells that I got used to - and sounds, which by the way, Mr Pink has not been doing them - but there're also others that'll simply disgust me. Pass me a panadol - make that a few - and make me pass out.
Coincidental arrangements or arranged coincidences? Does it matter in love? Once you are in it? Perhaps love will conquer all. Perhaps, only in movies.
Women are such territorial creatures - at least the human kind. Only one can head a home and only her and her alone can have the rights to set the rules where the others can do nothing but to bend and follow. It has nothing to do with a person's personality or the level of nice. Conflicting interests will arise, it is as normal as when the ocean will rise upon high tides. I had that one small hope all these years, years of cramping small rooms with many siblings and having elders step all over my life. To have a place to call my own. A hope that might never come true now.
It's finally getting into me. The whole deal about employing the right person when all I had were only 2 candidates to choose from. The first guy gave me a good impression - that's not to say the other didn't, he was meek and mild, the type that I expect to be able to last a while here. Perhaps a little too meek and mild. Would be easy to handle though coz I'm sure he'll sit underneath my wings properly. The second guy was what I expected. Very smart, very confident, the type I'm not expecting to last. A little too smart, a little too confident. Might cause my boss' premature death. More than one headstrong person in his team is not going to be good for his health. I guess I shall simply step back and let him decide. Whichever of these guys he might want to employ, I wish to sincerely apologize first. I hope I would not ruin your career.
Visited my now appendictless cousin today. Haven't been to her place for the longest time. The last I remembered was that it was extremely far away - all the way in Sengkang, full of toys, full of dogs - she has 3, full of mess. The next I know, I was there, and I confirmed again that it was extremely far away - still at Sengkang. Her 3 dogs were all still there, Ah Boy rotting teeth, Bobby ever chasing tail and Renee feather duster queen. That was not all. She now has 2 Chinchillas given to her by a friend's friend. So all in all, she had 5 pets. Note to self, have pets, but not too many. The toys "decorating" one of the bedrooms her toy collecting husband owns, seemed to have multiplied coz they were greeting us the moment we entered the house. Note to self, have toys, but not too many. A layer of dust - make that a thick layer - seemed so attached to the floor that we could not move without them stuck to our feets. The dust I think, was the result of having too many toys and pets running around - there was dog pee on the floor too. Nonetheless, we had a great time with her pets - especially Bobby ever chasing tail - as well as wowing at the toys. It was also good lesson for us. House cleanness is so ever important. We were glad we had the same ideals in a house. It seems we're gonna to have to get Joe and Jocelyn's picture and put them in an alter - juz kidding - to constantly remind ourselves the importance of house cleanness.
The events on my birthday this year can be described rather simply. 1. Watched Hitch, expected it to be good - it was good 2. Went to Raffles Place, expecting to find China Square Central nearby 3. Walked to Far East Square, had Ya Kun, expecting China Square Central to be an urban myth afterall 4. Sprained a toe while walking 5. Walked to Tanjong Pagar mrt 6. Took train to Chinatown, expecting China Square Central to be there instead 7. Found China Square Central sitting right in front of where we ate Ya Kun - unexpectedly 8. Took train to Tiong Bahru then cab to Safra Mt Faber, expecting Mt Faber - it was at the side of a road 9. Met our friend and his rock melon chested girlfriend getting ready for a swim, not exactly expecting rock melons 10. Ate at the poolside cafe for its "beautiful sunset", expecting well...sunset 11. Paid up, took bus to Queenstown mrt then went home to Boon Lay.
While Fion has just returned from an interview with MOL, I'll be conducting my very first interview soon - super excited. Contradictory feelings when reviewing my candidates though. If they're too good, I worry coz I'm not good enough. If they're lousy, I worry - of coz -, the number of stupid people around here is enough to last me quite a while. Note to highlight to people writing their resumes and applying for junior roles. Try not to mention how wonderful you were/are at leading and steering projects, you'll scare your possible superiors off. I'm also starting to understand the meaning why juniors should not "drive better cars than their male superiors and carry more expensive bags than their female ones". - quoted from 喈大欢喜
Ever since Tashes left - hey you! sit up and listen!! - I've been drowning myself with music. Xiaomei is overworked. Horribly overworked. Not that I wanna complain or what but recently, I've been getting nauseous and headaches from too much music. Way too much music. For a while - juz a while, I had to thank Mr O for inviting me in for yet another discussion. I was dying from the want to puke - overdose of music.
Now I know why so many people are named Amy. I kept typing amy when what I wanted was amy amt - see? I did it again.
That was what my cousin exclaimed - so did her brother a few months ago. This is a horrible new trend in local hospitals recently, my ah ma told me after visiting my now appendictless cousin, who is 1 year older than me. My ah ma was sooooo angry. Never incur the wrath of an angry old an ma, she'll complain and complain and complain for the next few days or weeks non stop to anyone who would/wouldn't listen.
Me: Aiyah have one lah, if not everybody go operation confirm die one leh. Mum: Yah lor, yah lor. I also kenna operated before what so I know. They'll inject you, then ask you to see here, see here and then you collapse liao.Anyway, my cousin was operated on, at about 2am yesterday and somehow, for SOME reasons still unknown, local doctors seemed to "target" their family when it comes to anesthetic. Either that or they probably always run out of it whenever one of them is in the Operation Theater. Seriously, I should ask my cousin if she actually saw them cutting her up... On the Side My mum is trying to open her handphone's back cover. My brother took over from there, opened it up and passed it back to her.
Mum: Cheng ah! How you managed to do it har? We all try and try, also cannot. Bro: Aiyah, I operated on it lor BUT I never put anesthetic leh.
I was clearing my old files just now when I came across this word file called "chinese.doc" created around the 4th Jan this year. There were only 6 characters inside, all chinese. I recalled the day when Tashes was given the task of printing flyers for employing "aunties" to work as part time taggers here. There was an urgent need to write professional chinese then. Just the words, "Employing Part-time Workers" was enough to drive us crazy. Somehow, someone - can't remember who - came up with the words "聘请兼职工员". Doesn't sound right but we couldn't find a righter phrase than that and so I typed the words in my MS Word - the result was this file - and Tashes used it - did she use this file? can't remember - and printed tons of flyers to be given out later. At about 7.30pm, I messaged Tashes something a little too late... "It's not "聘请兼职工员"!! It's "员工"!!! The other way around!!!"
And as always...he does not pick up phones. Maybe I should spray all of them pink.
Is it just me or what? I see people I do not like and get fedup. I hear sounds I do not like to hear and I get disgusted. Maybe I should learn to be gracious. ........ I can't do it. ARGH!!!!
Lo and behold the beautiful Winter Wonder Fest 2005 Pinky, I clutch tightly to my chest on last Saturday's DotCon 2005 until my airen passed me the remaining $50 to pay for her.
News and pictures of this pretty little thing has been online since last month or so. Never once, did I imagine that I'll ever become the proud owner of her coz they're pretty much limited edition, limited only to those people - dealers - who went to the recent Japan Wonder Fest. At least, I know even if some local dealers do carry it, I'll never have it coz it'll either be way too out of my budget or so limited, I'll never even smell it.
Going to the DotCon was the best decision I've made in ages. I saw her burying beneath the Space Invaders at a stall and grab it immediately with my airen asking for her price. $85 came the reply. It's too expensive. It seems I'll finally be able to smell and even touch her - ok I didn't really smell it - but still not being able to own her. Almost in tears, a gal next to me, whispered in Chinese "There are 2 more over at the other stall, selling at $70 each..." and smiled. It must be fate. And fate was really waving at my face. Surveying the ballroom where the DotCon was held, we went stall after stall searching high and low for the remaining 2. Finally, she caught my attention - the one I bought - standing on top of a Macross Valkyrie on the right to Arcueid Pinky with a yellow post-it $70 stuck on her. Fate! It had to be fate, nothing else but fate. I went over and clutch her tightly with my hands, turning her over and over, examining her pretty package. $70 is still too expensive though.
Airen: If you like, then I buy for you lah. For your birthday.
After salivating badly online, looking at the pictures and such, I never thought I'd put it back again - but I did. I must be stupid. We circulate around the ballroom again looking at other toys, somehow standing in front of her again. *sighz* When you gotta buy it, you gotta buy it. I turned to look at airen but what was he doing? He was on the phone with his beloved Hellboy-loving pal, persuading him to come down when I didn't have enough cash with me. What's worse, he ignored my signaling and gesturing. So all I could do was to grab on to her praying that nobody else is eyeing on her coz the other one from the stall has already been sold. *anxious anxious*
Ok she's sitting prettily in my room now and I shall not blame him any further. Just don't let my mum know she's $70 and my birthday present...
This very interesting post - The Right Person for the Right Job - from Mr Bown's blog speaks the truth from a different perspective. "If they have broken the bricks into pieces - PUT THEM IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY..." Edit 12:39pm: After some analysis with starusitcity, most probably we would have been put to either Top Management or Security depending if we were alone or with friends. Never did realized that I was top management material till now...
And why is that so? Coz the short slaughtered the rest of them.
Tashes helped me take this pic on 19th Feb 2005 when we were at SAJC's funfair which actually weren't too fun ooopss. But then I guess I was kinda out of place coz why? I was old! Too old for kiddy stuff I think. Stinky kids walking around in weird looking tees, balloons on guitars, ugly colored faces. The things that I used to do during my poly open house - and I thought I was cool! - no longer appeal to me. Now that I'm seeing it from an older perspective, I wished they'll wear normal school tees and stop acting cute coz cute and cool do not mix.
And kids, do keep your butts off shopping mall floors too coz you look a sight! I know coz I did them all before.
I really shouldn't have changed my blogger password. The "123456" that Tashes created for me. Now I can't login after at least 2 tries. Blogging has never been so tedious. Edit 12:58pm: Really, really shouldn't have. I even got this page just now.
Messaged my toy collecting cousin if she enjoyed the DotCon event last saturday. Got lukewarm answers from her such as it's not an international event, nothing much there, don't have the things both herself and her husband wants, not very impressive etc etc. I was kinda pissed - I still am - is that loyality towards SGCollect and Local Toy market? I was impressed by the effort that the organizers put in, in organising the event, making hundreds of local toy lovers extremely happy. I loved the introducing of the COSPlay, Boba Fett and Predator (more info in my next blog once I get my pictures) and of coz others that I did not see. I would like to thank SGCollect, the dealers and the many other people who were there that day. Though I wished there was more, nonetheless, it was a great event and a great day for Singapore Toy scene. I guess I couldn't ask for more.
The time is 12.50am now, so rightfully I should address this as a past event coz it happened "yesterday". Ok there goes, yesterday's series of unfortunate events. I woke up late in the morning - which already was a bad start - and fumbled my way to the bathroom. Half asleep - as usual - in the bathroom turned out to be a real sleep inside - not all that usual. I opened my eyes and took a quick glance a while later only to realized that 20 minutes has passed and all I did was shower myself with water, face and body unwashed! Woke up immediately of coz and proceed to finish off the bathing process - complete with my ginvera green tea real spa de-stress shower gel plus neroli and orange with biogel in pink color - as soon as possible. Amazingly, I did managed to come out of the bathroom in time - smelling nice. Ok, checking the time which says 7.30am means I'm still pretty much in time for work. I went into my room, drew the curtains, slide my wardrobe door open and let out a small yell - my cousin's sleeping you see, such a considerate person me. This beige colored creature of a name that I do not wish to mention crawled - can I say crawl? is that the right word for its swift movement? - into my pile of new clothes!!!! Helpless and not wanting to be late - such a responsible employee me - I pulled out the nearest tee and jeans, flinging them hard along the way and dressed myself quickly. "I also cannot do anything now what, I must go work liao, wait lah hor. I come home then I settle it for you." I shivered to think of the ordeals my clothes must go through but nonetheless nod my head in agreement to my mum's response. Pulling my socks along, I stepped out of the house and "OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!" My most idiotic sister had somehow left her heels upside down right outside our gate and I had stepped into it unknowingly. Members of my family, stopped whatever they were doing to study my actions for a moment then turned back and returned to whatever they were doing after like what, 2 seconds? Thank you for your concerns lor. The bus was already at the bus stop when I was downstairs so I hurriedly run towards it and hop onto it, trying to act cool at the same time. Maybe it wasn't such a bad day after all. Expectedly, I reached the MRT station at about 7.48am. It's so nice to be early. I can even walk slightly slower and act a bit cooler. I was up the escalator to the train platform at about 7.50am. There was a train on my left hand side - I can never tell which is A and which is B - filled with morning sickness people - yes, the inability to walk, stand, talk, think straight in the morning is a kind of sickness. Since I'm early, I thought, why should I even bother to squeeze with the crowd? Cool people like me needs my seat in the morning to continue with my beauty sleep. I turned right and waited at the platform for the next incoming train. The MRT PA system started to announce that there's a train fault and the train would be delayed blah blah blah. My ipod was blasting "Have a nice day". I turned to look at the train on my left hand side that's still not moving and secretly thank my intelligence for selecting this train. 2 minutes later, the train on the left moved. The PA system came on again. "...blah...blah...train fault...blah...blah...delay" was all I caught. WHAT? Isn't the faulty train already gone??? And so I waited and waited and waited a whole 15 minutes, listening to further ironic announcements from the PA system while trying to evade a sticky auntie behind me, touching me by accident with her ever fidgeting hands. "...please move to a less crowded area" What the?? What do they mean by a less crowded area? There has been no sight of any trains since the past 10 minutes, how is a less crowded area possible now? MRT staff, use your brains, use your eyes. "...the train has a SLIGHT delay due to a train fault..." my eyes popped out at the mention of slight. Do they understand what slight is to the morning working crowd, these MRT people with their butts glued to their station control downstairs? Anyway, since my eyes were popped out, I happen to notice a guy on my left doing the exact same thing at the exact same moment. Anyway, after the SLIGHT delay, the train did arrive in one big piece and I managed to get off at Clementi in a piece too, still smelling nice. When I finally board the bus, being the ever so considerate person that I am, I kept moving to the back. I moved and I moved till I realized, nobody else is moving anymore. Then I looked, up, down, left, right, I'm surrounded by people with no pole, no seat whatsoever to hold! I'm a swaying person - and a suay person - so I had to grab onto something else I'll fall flat on someone and definitely someone ugly! So what's a short girl like me gotta do? I straightened my left hand and reached - with difficulties - for the handle on the top. This tall guy next to me, made a look as if shocked to see a hand coming out from nowhere, looked down and looked extremely amazed to "suddenly" find a short being next to him. Yes, I'm short but you're a freak! You tall freak! Morning sickness is no excuse for being so rude. I hope you knock your head on the bus door when you get out. At least that will never happen to me!
Well...literally. It was on a trip to Korea a few years ago. I went on a super value for money trip to Korea for 9 days for only $700 inclusive of expenditure - ok I didn't buy much. I was with my eldest sis, ah ma, my sis's boss and our Chinese speaking Korean guide in a cable car on our way to the top of Mt Sorak - If I recall correctly. The cable car was crowded, people everywhere and I was right smack in the middle of it. As I was enjoying the ride up - though not being able to see much coz I'm short that's why! - I had a queasy feel in my stomach. The queasy feel defying gravity, travel up my whatever intestine and up my throat - I could be wrong, it could be traveling in some other "pipes" but I was never good at biology. I covered my mouth and made a puking action coz I couldn't stand it anymore. My sis gestured to me, asking if I need anything. I shook my head helplessly - that was all I could do. The 1 small action I did, provoked the travels of whatever that was moving up my intestines. Very soon, my entire mouth was bloated with puke which started to drip out from the corners. My sis still unsure of the amazing event, shoved me a piece of tissue. I took it while grabbing onto the pole in the middle of the cable car for my dear life, I was fainting. My mouth was never so full before of half digested breakfast - well, lunch or dinner. Half dying, I estimated the timing and decided that there was at least 10 more minutes before I can get out of the car. I pushed some of the puke back down my throat with my tongue, swallowing bit by bit. 9 more minutes. (And my airen thought Ella from S.H.E was fantastic coz she did the same thing before) It was disgusting but there was no way I could give up because if I did, fang yuan 500 li de ren dou hui zheng wan. Half giddy, I didn't even realized that we had reached the summit. My guide rushed out of the car and came back soon enough with a plastic bag, I opened my mouth to it as soon as I got out - no other action required. Opening my mouth never felt so good. I secretly applaud myself for holding them all in my mouth for 10 long minutes 2 days later. Till this day, I still wondered how I did it. It was amazing! Now that I think of it, it must be the extra glass of orange juice I took in the morning.
Pagers were all the rage when we were in poly. Suddenly, everywhere you turned, there's someone with a pager. Being without a pager, means you're uncool. (The Motorola memojazz was the IN thing of the moment then, I had a transparent blue one) Handphones were not IN yet coz they were super expensive and unless you're one of those rich pups or needy working executive, you basically will not even think of getting one. There was this day when my ex raised this topic to me. The conversation went something like this. KS: I think I wanna buy a handphone. Me: What? Whatever for? Do you know how much it costs? KS: I know it's expensive but I think I need it. (A handphone, any handphone at that time cost almost a thousand dollars.) Me: You need it? Are you sure? It's not as if you have people paging you very often. You're not all that popular you know? My pager even beeps more than yours moron. KS: ok lor KS Sulks. He sulks constantly for the rest of the relationship. I supposed he was more than thankful that it didn't last long because not long after this conversation, we broke up and KS had his handphone.
is extremely long and suffering. I seemed to already have suffered 2 weeks of torture, only to check my calendar and realized that it's Thursday of the same week. There's problems popping up everyday, anytime, anywhere - strange problems. I sometimes suspect if further development is worthwhile at this point in time. However of coz, there is good news from the side, we're finally getting a new programmer. I'm not exactly sure if we need that coz there really isn't much work but then I need that extra help to rid me off these strange burdens at least of tracing past, present and future work. I can no longer concentrate. Just 5 minutes ago, I was trying to continue with a piece of code that I stopped on Monday and realized that I've no idea what I was trying to do. Ok...maybe we DO need an extra person. My only hope this week, is to get it over and done with - QUICK. And of coz, safely without anymore hiccups. 8 more to the day and already I'm tired of counting.
More bits of memory... Year 1 in poly, there was this guy who was 1 year younger than me. I called him my younger brother and tried to take really good care of him coz I was the class rep and he was the really quiet guy that nobody bothers. He did managed to open up eventually and like a real elder sister, I brought him everywhere I go. There was this day in the lab when we were all fooling around again, chatting on irc and sending emails to the person next to us - instead of doing work. Halfway through the lab session, my brother, he left his seat to go out of the room. His email was still opened... My friends as usual in their crazy care for nothing ways, pulled me over to his seat to check out his stuff. (They always use others emails if anyone forgets to close it to send funny emails out, once they used my account to send a mass mail out to lotsa people including some lecturers announcing that a certain freaking scary guy is my true love.) Upon first look, all of us turned into stone. On the screen was a half written email to my girl friend, about me...(I shall not go into detail). At that moment, my brother walked in. The guys jumped, pretended to be looking elsewhere, laughs uncomfortably and quickly make their way out. I, too embarrassed to look him in the eye anymore, ran away fast. It took us another few months to start talking again, I think. Later, he called me to ask a certain question, which was interrupted at least 3 times by various circumstances. My final answer to his unfinished question was a no. My answer to that again a few months later was still a no. Later on, when I had a boyfriend, I lost my brother. We've not been talking since then. I sometimes wonder if that then boyfriend of mine was worth me losing so many friends - at least 5 good friends- no, I wonder about that all the time. The strange thing is I can't seemed to remember my brother's name anymore...wait a minute, I think I got it, Norman, the no man was what we used to call him.