Winter Wonder Fest 2005 Pinky
Lo and behold the beautiful Winter Wonder Fest 2005 Pinky, I clutch tightly to my chest on last Saturday's DotCon 2005 until my airen passed me the remaining $50 to pay for her.
News and pictures of this pretty little thing has been online since last month or so. Never once, did I imagine that I'll ever become the proud owner of her coz they're pretty much limited edition, limited only to those people - dealers - who went to the recent Japan Wonder Fest. At least, I know even if some local dealers do carry it, I'll never have it coz it'll either be way too out of my budget or so limited, I'll never even smell it.
Going to the DotCon was the best decision I've made in ages. I saw her burying beneath the Space Invaders at a stall and grab it immediately with my airen asking for her price. $85 came the reply. It's too expensive. It seems I'll finally be able to smell and even touch her - ok I didn't really smell it - but still not being able to own her. Almost in tears, a gal next to me, whispered in Chinese "There are 2 more over at the other stall, selling at $70 each..." and smiled. It must be fate. And fate was really waving at my face. Surveying the ballroom where the DotCon was held, we went stall after stall searching high and low for the remaining 2. Finally, she caught my attention - the one I bought - standing on top of a Macross Valkyrie on the right to Arcueid Pinky with a yellow post-it $70 stuck on her. Fate! It had to be fate, nothing else but fate. I went over and clutch her tightly with my hands, turning her over and over, examining her pretty package. $70 is still too expensive though.
Airen: If you like, then I buy for you lah. For your birthday.
After salivating badly online, looking at the pictures and such, I never thought I'd put it back again - but I did. I must be stupid. We circulate around the ballroom again looking at other toys, somehow standing in front of her again. *sighz* When you gotta buy it, you gotta buy it. I turned to look at airen but what was he doing? He was on the phone with his beloved Hellboy-loving pal, persuading him to come down when I didn't have enough cash with me. What's worse, he ignored my signaling and gesturing. So all I could do was to grab on to her praying that nobody else is eyeing on her coz the other one from the stall has already been sold. *anxious anxious*
Ok she's sitting prettily in my room now and I shall not blame him any further. Just don't let my mum know she's $70 and my birthday present...
Aww so nice! I mean both the Pinkys and also ur airen.
FieryAngel, at 3/09/2005 09:19:00 PM
I'm the nicest lah!! haha
More pictures and DotCon info to follow this weekend since I'm on leave.
I Kid You Not, at 3/10/2005 11:31:00 AM
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