Somehow, I'm ready to kill - anytime - because...
some people simply do not understand the meaning of annoyance. I'm driven to the wall - ready to knock it with my head and die. Stop making tongue clicking noises and all sorts of saliva-mouth noises already! ARGH!!! Stop it!!! He's doing it again! I'm going crazy!! It's win wonderfully remarkable – and remarkably win wonderful - how loud it can get when the person is sitting next to you.
Hey! You're not welcome here you geddit? Shoo! Go away!
It's driving me mad when xiaomei's earphones are stuck to my ears. Can't imagine if I were to forget her for the day. It's getting louder and louder. I dread the moments xiaomei pauses to sing another song. I dread the soundless moments from xiaomei. I could die! In fact, I could be deaf first. It's amazing. Mr Pink has not been making throat noises and now this unwelcome person invading the privacy of this once bimbotic domain is overtaking Mr Pink's once standing ovation, award winning sounds with his disgusting noises.
hurray, smurfie to the rescue!
Tashes, at 3/28/2005 08:17:00 PM
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