Tallest Man Alive Today!
And why is that so? Coz the short slaughtered the rest of them.
Tashes helped me take this pic on 19th Feb 2005 when we were at SAJC's funfair which actually weren't too fun ooopss. But then I guess I was kinda out of place coz why? I was old! Too old for kiddy stuff I think. Stinky kids walking around in weird looking tees, balloons on guitars, ugly colored faces. The things that I used to do during my poly open house - and I thought I was cool! - no longer appeal to me. Now that I'm seeing it from an older perspective, I wished they'll wear normal school tees and stop acting cute coz cute and cool do not mix.
And kids, do keep your butts off shopping mall floors too coz you look a sight! I know coz I did them all before.
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