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Witch’s Brew

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

An Unexpected Email

More bits of memory... Year 1 in poly, there was this guy who was 1 year younger than me. I called him my younger brother and tried to take really good care of him coz I was the class rep and he was the really quiet guy that nobody bothers. He did managed to open up eventually and like a real elder sister, I brought him everywhere I go. There was this day in the lab when we were all fooling around again, chatting on irc and sending emails to the person next to us - instead of doing work. Halfway through the lab session, my brother, he left his seat to go out of the room. His email was still opened... My friends as usual in their crazy care for nothing ways, pulled me over to his seat to check out his stuff. (They always use others emails if anyone forgets to close it to send funny emails out, once they used my account to send a mass mail out to lotsa people including some lecturers announcing that a certain freaking scary guy is my true love.) Upon first look, all of us turned into stone. On the screen was a half written email to my girl friend, about me...(I shall not go into detail). At that moment, my brother walked in. The guys jumped, pretended to be looking elsewhere, laughs uncomfortably and quickly make their way out. I, too embarrassed to look him in the eye anymore, ran away fast. It took us another few months to start talking again, I think. Later, he called me to ask a certain question, which was interrupted at least 3 times by various circumstances. My final answer to his unfinished question was a no. My answer to that again a few months later was still a no. Later on, when I had a boyfriend, I lost my brother. We've not been talking since then. I sometimes wonder if that then boyfriend of mine was worth me losing so many friends - at least 5 good friends- no, I wonder about that all the time. The strange thing is I can't seemed to remember my brother's name anymore...wait a minute, I think I got it, Norman, the no man was what we used to call him.


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