Ringing in The Bright Sunshine
Orange is officially my favorite color now, the spot that green has taken for ages. I'm buying all things possibly orange - except for a certain brand of watch - basking in their vibrant hue.
The Sony Ericsson handphone W800i I've been longing for since ages and ages ago is finally reaching our shores. If anyone of you have seen the full package, you must have understood my delight. It's B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L.
I'm so wild with excitement, I can't wait for end of the year to arrive - not that its only reaching our island then but its likely gonna be much cheaper by that time of the year - so I can hold it in my hands and declare it mine - after full payment of coz!
Then, there's the dilemma. I caught a glimpse of this egg-like looking Samsung E530C in Orange - on the brochure - last Saturday at Suntec and fell in cheaper love. It costs only a whooping half of W800i.
Fickle, fickle minded person. They're both lovely in bright orange. Both with their own pros and cons - W800i's only con was the price and that's the biggest con ever. I've up to end of year to decide and if W800i's price were to drop drastically low - *hint hint* sponsors - my bet would it and the 512MB memory stick that comes together. *swoon*
i vote the w800!! im eyeing either that or the erm ah, e other phone we were eyeing erm 750? can't rem haha
starusticity, at 8/10/2005 07:01:00 PM
I remembered you liking the black K750 or something and me the W800i. it's coming!!!
I Kid You Not, at 8/10/2005 10:22:00 PM
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