Seeing is not Believing
First off, the new purchaser -nicknamed Goliath too tall - came in last Friday. Strange day to start work if you ask me - but of coz nothing stranger than April Fools'. Anyway, after all the he's-so-good-looking rumors, I finally got the truth on Friday - when I gave him a short briefing of the system. Seeing is believing not hearing or perhaps the phrase to use is not believing. What can I say? He's tall, dark erm...very tall, very dark - abit too tall. Wears a bright orange addidas watch - yes, yes, yes I know this is abit off topic but. Ok that's beside the point. The point is, when he opened his mouth to speak, I choked. Yesterday, I grab hold of my sis, trying to confirm my suspicion. What did she say?
My mum was full of praises for Goliath too. Things like he's so cute looking lah etc etc. When I raise the question of the side of the road he walks on, they choy at me and exclaim how can? Juz coz he's tall and big, he cannot be at the junction meh? Stereotypes. Am I simply strange? Why am I the only one that feels this way? This afternoon's small chat with Mr Smurfie before he rushes off for check up - for his work permit - proves me wrong. There is - at least - someone afterall that has the same beliefs. Mr Smurfie choked at lunch time during a conversation - enough said, maybe not coz we gossiped again when he came back at 4pm. It's only Goliath's 2nd day and I'm already considering to dedicate a "thesis" to him. I feel bad karma.My sis: He's very cute one. I like talking to him. Me: ??? My sis: He's like a big baby and likes to whine to me. Me: !!!!
any visual aids? i would love to see some pictures.
Tashes, at 4/13/2005 08:07:00 PM
I do have a picture of where he sits though. I'll try to get it up this weekend and MORE posts on the orange man.
I Kid You Not, at 4/14/2005 12:19:00 PM
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