What's in a Mobile anyway?
Portable? Movable? Ok I was trying to be cool. By mobile I meant handphone to those uninitiated. I was given this $200 Starhub handphone voucher by my 20 year old cousin to "please go change a handphone, your handphone, I see already also paiseh for you." Ey! What's wrong with my Sony Ericsson? Got color, can take pictures leh. Not biang mah. Though got some scratches. Aiyoh people always change handphone and now use Motorola phone with some memory card inside, can play MP3 somemore so can hor lian lor? I got ipod leh! *stares*
Yah, exactly what is wrong with my precious T610 apart from scratches and occasional hiccups? Nothing perhaps but vanity, grudges against my change handphone every few months student cousin, a should not waste $200 voucher and a $300 sponsorship from airen, maybe it's time for it to retire.
Handphone hunting for someone who's not been concern/interested for a long long time is a stressful job. Much more stressful than my day job as a programmer coz at least I get paid for work stress and I get to go home at 6.
So rather than listing what I want in a phone - coz what I need is basically a can sms, call, got color phone, I got ipod leh, no need for music and stuff *sniffs* - I'll list out the unwanteds to aid myself and Rusty who is kinda in need of one too.
My low down on phones and brands the bimbotic way.
1. Nokia - Don't even think about it. I don't wanna be caught using a stuffy Nokia.
2. Siemens - The name, oh the name. How can I even risk associating myself with that brand name?
They do have a nice phone that I like but, but, I'm so sorry I simply can't get pass the male discharge relating name.
3. Panasonic – I know Jay endorses it but apart from him, who else? I see Panasonic and I think of VCR players. I wonder if it is trustworthy, user interface and all?
This is rather nice and sleek but then again, user interface? Jay uses it for a fee - paid to him. I better think thrice.
4. Samsung – Too many buy 1 get 1 free stories freak me out. Especially for a person who constantly feeds her phone to the concrete floor, I bet I’ll get my second phone within first month of purchase.
There is one that I rather like though, I’m not too interested in having phone number 2.
5. Motorola – My cousin uses this and no way am I gonna use the same. I’ll like to look down on her too ok! Anyway, this brand doesn’t really appeal to me physically so I guess it’s a pass.
I do like this rather impressive one pack full with funky functions though they had to miss out on the keypad which is ever so important to me.
6. Sony Ericsson – My most trusty brand but what the hell happened to the designs? Company dropped designers like mine?
I do like the orangey one though W800i. Can play MP3 very very well it seems – I have an ipod mind you so I don’t really need it. I get that feel upon second look and I think it is the
neo one. Though it says “coming soon” on the website and my voucher expires end of May.
7. LG – I simply can’t look at the name without thinking of the word fridge.
8. Mitsubishi – Did someone just mention aircon?
9. Treo, O2 and all that – What’s the point?
Conclusion? None yet and that's the problem. Till next time then. Look at the time. I needa sleep. On a last note, never attempt the Motorola website with your speakers out loud in the dead of the night unless you're prepared. The "Hello Moto" scares really big time.
i'm wanting a sony ericsson i guess but motorola's beginning to look good too. was lusting after s700 but it really is quite big..so still searching. n i don't have sponsorship unlike someone who has a sponsorship of $500... sigh
starusticity, at 4/28/2005 10:02:00 AM
ok i took a look and the motorola E680 looks and sounds wow!! bet its ex..sigh, but so far think motorola has nicer phones till sonyericsson releases more la!
starusticity, at 4/28/2005 10:44:00 AM
500 bucks sponsorship! how lucky can you get?!
anyway, companies do not drop designers, designers drop companies to design prettier stuff on their own, grins. give me winston's number and we shall combine our "powers" and build you your dream phone, save you the hassle of indecisions. but please ask your ah fu to set aside a big fat budget. :)
oh, btw the chef loves "Hello Moto", that's his message tone. it is strangely addictive!
Tashes, at 4/29/2005 12:18:00 AM
ah fu was pissed with me over nothing and made me pissed so he promised to up the sponsorship. WAHAHAHAHAHA
I Kid You Not, at 4/29/2005 08:35:00 AM
i saw e680 and the siemens phone. siemens is kinda fat, and the e680 (that is if i did not see wrgly) does not look that good in reality.
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