Some of you might have heard me ranting on and on about some crazy woman who has been bugging me for action regarding some projects I've not the slightest clue on. Sorry if I'm ranting about the same stuff again but I'm seriously going nuts, stuck between a rock and a prickly place. Either way, I'm gonna get hurt, thus I've stopped moving. Completely.
I ignore people who don't take my No for answers and stopped answering coz I hate myself repeating "I don't know". And of coz I stopped and pray that my friend comes back from his reservist soon. I hope he breaks a leg and come out of it immediate.
I'm lazy in getting the pictures for my birthday out therefore, the post shall delay for a while more however, I would like to brag that I got a Nike Anvril watch for a present and I got myself V for Vendetta the graphic novel.