Landing Spot
I'm missing out on something. Something dear, something fine, something really close to the heart. A place, a cubicle, a desk, anything at all to call my own in this new company of mine. I'm lost. In constant need of direction, desperately searching for a cozy landing spot to settle down. All I need and ask for is a desk and pray, a good pc. I'll just make do with horrid mice. ***updates*** GOOD NEWS!!! I received this wonderful piece of news - which was only hearsay last week - from my colleague that my boss has decided that the 2 of us and the attachment student - who looks waaaay too old for his current age of 19 - to be relocated back to the office at China Square Central after 2 more weeks at the current spot. Its the cosiest place ever - we went back to spring clean that place last evening to prepare for an important client visiting us tomorrow - and what's more, I've been given the best seat in the office, at the corner of the room so I can blog to my heart's content! - I wish. Oh yah and AH HUA - see her picture here - will be stationed at the current place instead of relocating back with me! HOORAY!
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