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Witch’s Brew

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Lessons Learnt

Lessons learnt today. Number 1. Never lend your laptop to anybody for the sake of demo/training etc, especially if it's new. I felt my heart drop and every single bit of torment my baby is feeling when the gal from jobsdb borrowed it for her training this morning. Each time her fingers bang hard on the keys, I felt my heart skip an extra beat while I stared intently at her manicured fingers and praying that they'll not scar my baby's brand new layer. Airen told me the 2 things went through his mind during the training just now. 1. I must have felt the pain real bad when she slam her fingers on the keys. 2. Thank goodness, it wasn't his. Number 2. Never trust the advertisements you see on magazines where they state statistics such as 75% of the women tested felt an improvement in skin texture after n days blah blah, results from test on n number of women. I repeat. Never trust it. The reason is simple. I'm currently testing an eye product - of brand name I'm not supposed to disclose - with my sis. Today is the 7th day of our test and we're supposed to answer this online survey of theirs. First, we were so excited, we almost reminded each other each day to use it. Then, we tried all means and ways to try to feel the difference. Finally, we anyhow, anyhow answer the questions in the survey, so as to be politically correct because we simply do not know howda answer them. We didn't notice any difference, except for the foul smell and the watery texture. It's supposed to solve dark cycle problems? Oh? I hadn't known but I chose the answer that seems to imply yes. Such big liar. Just like many other product testing women I'm sure.


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