Bought it at IMM during lunch just now. Has decided that it's a now or never thing.
Left the place feeling hollow and pretty much empty in the wallet. I'm still loving my T610 and trying to get used to the new guy, W550i.
I'm a witch. I'm an evil bimbo. The most evil if there ever was one. But then there never will be one coz bimbos are never evil.
Somethings are brewing. No, not coffee.
damn u!!!!!! is it as fat as e s700?
starusticity, at 11/14/2005 01:44:00 PM
fat and short. damn! that kinda just describes most of us!!!!
anyway, show you when we FINALLY meet.
I Kid You Not, at 11/14/2005 04:41:00 PM
!!! how much did u get it for?
that's the phone i want tooooooooooooo
prices are already not-so-cheap with lines....i dun need a i guess i'm screwed
Illicitus, at 11/21/2005 02:21:00 AM
I got it at $480 before GST with a line. I think Isaw it cheaper at suntec, you might wanna try there.
The buttons are hard to press if you sms alot BUT the games are coooooooool...especially WORMS!
I Kid You Not, at 11/21/2005 07:57:00 PM
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