Way Cool
I was jolted out of my sleep at about 2.30am in the morning. In case, anybody's wondering, nobody woke me up by whether accident or deliberate. It was the call of the W550i. At 2.30am, it would have completed its cycle of the first charge for 8 hours. I just had to get up to off that plug before I could sleep deep at all. First thing I woke up in the morning, was to check out my newest pal. Its bright orangey shell cheers me up immediately, letting me forget the major heart ache for a little while. I can finally listen to FM 98.7, watch videos all in 1 small package. Oh, and I just received my very first SMS on my phone. Games are getting complicated too. I actually have the game Worms in this little thingy - ok lah maybe not that little, has a nice grip though, this phone. The other way cool thing is that my wireless is finally up! Yes, I'm behind time and stuff, so what? My Internet connection is much faster now, I'm starting to wanna weep - get me that piece of nice tissue, nice one mind you and fold it up into a neat square. Oh I need now, is the icing on top of the cake and the most expensive and major event of all, a new pc and erm, monitor too and erm...keyboard? And mouse? Seriously! I'm not being vain or something. Let me take a picture of them one of these days and you'll get what I mean. By the way, remember that I mentioned I'm getting a free ipod nano and selling it to my cousin and a puke inducing low down price? She just messaged me on my handphone, telling me that she's the owner of the "i-pot". Hmm...maybe I'll be able to keep that nano to myself afterall if only I can find an "i-pot".
is it good! is it good! tell me more about it! and how much did it cost you?
i want a new phone too, but my wallet's been feeling a little light lately, as always haha.
Tashes, at 11/12/2005 02:58:00 PM
so far so good. I've having a great time showing off :P
got it at $512 + 2 years contract.
oooo...my heart bleeds.
the games are so cool.
my heart bleeds once more.
I Kid You Not, at 11/12/2005 05:52:00 PM
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