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Witch’s Brew

Sunday, August 28, 2005

When Enough is Really Enough

It's again been some time since I last visited here. Reasons being, I haven't had much time or mood lately for anything to blog about. Been really, really down lately. People around me the past few weeks - if they were so unlucky to catch me at all - would know. It's a terrible feeling, unable to cozy up in a new job, especially with your colleagues. The situation has become so bad, it's kinda like a me against them battle now. Been feeling like Mr Pink lately. Been feeling so low down on confidence that I thought I might as well just give up and admit that I'm dumb. It was only yesterday that I finally sat down and straighten things out. I mean like hey? I do have the means to shine bright at work. I'm neither dumb nor stupid. On the contrary, I can be rather impressive. Why should I continue to feel that way. It's a lousy way to start a new job and to carry on my life. Jobs come and go. People come and go too. Why should I let it dampen my spirits? I'm not a person suitable for such. It's unhealthy. Tomorrow would be it. ENOUGH!


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