How Not to be a Project Leader
1. Give your members old and/or wrong documentations. 2. Give your members old and/or wrong information regarding the project. 3. Hold on to valuable information, giving them out to your members only at the last minute with the question "I never give you meh?" 4. Sit on information/questions requested by members and answer with a "nevermind, now don't need" and question back with a "Can you do this/that yet?" at the last minute. 5. Ignore the project members, oblivious to the project status. 6. Skip testing totally and jump straight into User Acceptance Test with clients with eyes popping out, mouth making clicking sound and mouth twisting in distaste when things wouldn't work. 7. Breaking promises to project members regarding project status timings and etc. 8. Giving the client totally wrong information regarding the project done by the members because of 6. All these and more and so lucky me managed to be at the wrong end of the effects in 1 day.
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