Something About Nothing
Things have somehow come to a standstill. I'm standing - or rather sitting - very stilly, except for my fingers moving, trying to tap onto the correct keys on my keyboard, I'm in actual fact, rather still.
Gone are the ups and downs of actual working life - not that I'm missing it, nor am I not, really - just the stillness of life as I hear time passing by in a swish and a swash. I hear it in my very ears, though more on the left ear coz I've held onto this semi belief that my right is a little deaf. I'm taking certain things slow - a little too slow perhaps - and reading things not really of much importance rather fast. In the last 5 days, I've finished 3.5 books. Robert Silverberg, Neil Gaiman, Daniel Keyes, Douglas Adams and his Salmon of Doubt.
In the last 5 days, I've learnt that Earth being conquered by aliens can affect our lives in ways not so different from everyday life, so forget World of the Wars. I've learnt that TV can be a God of the modern times and our sacrifices to it, time. I’ve peeked into the dairy of a man who’s IQ soar from 70 to 180 then purged back to 70 and wondered if ignorance really is bliss.
Last Sunday, I’ve watched a mama giraffe in the midst of giving birth with a pair of baby hind legs dangling from her ass on National Geographic and my youngest cousin humping her elder sister trying to hao lian to me a stunt her dog can do but not mine, before my very eyes. Thank goodness for that though sometimes I wonder if my dog is gay. Then again as long as it does not hump harm anything in its sight, it can remain gay.
Everything else apart from the above, fades away from me like background noise, soon enough, it doesn’t bother me at all - it does actually, some of it, I exaggerate. just not so much.
I supposed, in a certain sense, I’m bored as it is that I am tired. I open my eyes up each day to see the world in pale water colors, no longer vibrant likely because I no longer am – or rather it could be due to my eyesight, my eyes continued to give me problems from time to time. I have slowed.
Perchance, I’ve never in truth been particularly fast. I should recall that I left 100 and 200 meters race behind once out of Primary School. Abandoned them for the middle distances which I excel at coz I was not enduring enough for the longer distances.
If you have been reading and wondering what is the point about this whole post, well congrats, me too.
The point is to get it out of your system and not let it fester and rot inside you.
starusticity, at 10/18/2005 04:16:00 PM
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