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Witch’s Brew

Friday, October 28, 2005

MacDonalds' or Maybe Not

Had Mac for lunch today, sweet old Mac, as tasty as ever. As I was munching on a skinny fry, the thought came to me. Why is everybody so hard on Mac? Why do Americans love to push their blame on it - them whatever? Why? Burger King sells burgers, lots of others sell burgers, fast food etc. And what about piazzas? Why is there a movie called SuperSized Me, targeting only at Mac? Seriously, everybody has a choice. They can eat more, eat less, eat others. The point is most people decided on Mac as their ultimate selection. You can love it, hate it, sit on the fence but you can never deny it even if you don't see the bright yellow M and red flashing in your eyes. This whole fast food bashing thing, which so obviously has its bullseye in the shape of a huge, rounded M really sickens me. Just because it's the more popular, it has to be the target board. Yesterday, Mr Smurfie messaged me on MSN to tell me that Xiaxue lost 2 of her endorsements because of some bad model boycotting campaign going on. He did his research and came up with a super long post that got me hungry coz I started before breakfast and ended only after the lunch hour, with an empty stomach - and HAD to eat Mac. Unlike him, I'm lazy and can't be bothered with most of the so called Singapore - or Malaysia - blogsphere events and thing-a-dongs. I'm not even sure if I'm getting the word right. My point is, Xiaxue and Mac are the same. Too famous and getting too much lime light, whatever you do, say or in this case blog will be the central of all bashing. I don't credit her for the nonsense she post sometimes, just like I don't praise Mac for oily, oily food. The thing is, I read her sometimes - see her link in my blog? - like I eat Mac most of the time. I choose to read her coz she's honest and I like to read gossip and stuff. The keyword, see it? CHOOSE. Don't like something? Go away, don't look at it. Don't go near it. Why make the famous go through ordeal - yes, in this case its an ordeal and the thing about SuperSized Me too - just so that you can sleep better at night? It is disgusting. Come'on people, how many of us really go out in the streets with a pure golden heart? We do the things she does, say the types of things she'll say too. The only mistake of hers was that she put them down into typed words for us all to see. Whatever it is, I'm stopping here coz I'm bored of the whole case as is I'm bored of SuperSized Me stuff. I'm still gonna read her once in a while and eat Mac real often. Bottom line: I'm still disgusted.


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