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Witch’s Brew

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Hairy Issues I

First off, there are facts and there are fictions here. So don’t flame me if you pick the wrong for one for your hair loss problem. Was watching this women’s program on TV some many weeks ago about hair dressing techniques and such, when the question on female baldness – if possible – was raised. I was rolling my eyes and going duh at their question till I realized hey I know gals don’t usually get that problem unless you’re really suay but why? Get this. Balding is caused by male hormones. Yes, I know it's strange coz time and again, gals with excessive facial hair - myself included though I never understood why they term hair on the limbs as facial hair too - are told that their "condition" is due to a massive gush of male hormones. Am I confusing you? Well, they’re confusing me. Some Hairy Facts:

Hair loss has been observed and studied for ages, and some interesting discoveries were made in ancient times. It was noticed that eunuchs: * those males without genitals-never went bald * men who were castrated as a result of accidents in battle also never went bald (ouch!) This was the first sign that testosterone had something to do with hair loss. It has also been found that the more recessive the hair gene, the chances you have of becoming bald. Taken from How Excessive Testosterone Leads to Your Hair Loss
Clearing typical transsexual women's facial hair generally takes about 100 to 400 hours of treatment time (some need even more, some less). This is spread out over approximately one to four years (some need even more, some less). Many variables affect this, and these numbers are based on anecdotal data rather than survey results. Taken from Transsexual Road Map
In men, testosterone is made in the testicles and travels in the blood stream to the hair follicles. However, testosterone doesn't kill off the hair follicles directly. It is first converted, inside the follicle, to a much more powerful hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT has a great effect on the hair follicles, affecting them in different ways in different parts of the body. On the face and chest, DHT stimulates the growth of thick curly hair. This contrasts with its effect on the scalp where it makes hair thin out and eventually kills off the follicles altogether. The skin above the forehead and at the temples and crown is quick to turn testosterone into DHT and is particularly sensitive to its effects. Taken from Hair and Hormones
Ok, if you've not read the above proper, let me summarize the points. If you're female and have excessive hair at the "wrong" spots, you're spotting an overdose of male hormones. Too much yet not too much enough to go bald at the top. Don't argue yet, I'm not done. Male hormones deal with hair at the head and other parts of your body differently. They also mean to say, if you’re a guy and balding early, you must be ahem pretty manly and vice versa. On the other hand, you might simply be watching too much porn. Either way, you might wanna try this site.


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