Candidates, candidates, candidates
Having been a candidate sitting across the table being interviewed by recruitment consultants and people of higher authority at prospective companies, I really wonder what is the problem with candidates these days. I'm currently sitting in the eastern corner of my sis's recruitment agency at the moment, setting up my freelance work. The type of people I get to see each day is surprisingly diverse. Some of them were horrible to the sense that even the boss - my sis - was seen trying not to crack her table into pieces, some funny to the bone. Below is a list of some of the things I eavesdrop over time. Interview 1 Candidate was given time to fill up an application form regarding their personal information and previous job details. This particular candidate spent long minutes sweating over it. The reason? She stumbled over the section asking her, what her weaknesses are. The interviewer had to persuade her to forget about the section and kick start the interivew without it. Interview 2 Candidate taps pen on table in an irritated manner when interviewer is on the line. Upon noticing the tapping, interviewer turns to candidate. Interviewer: Are you done? (with filling up the application form) Candidate: yah. Interviewer: Eh? you didn't fill in the education section. Candidate: It's in my resume mah. Interview: Yes but you still have to fill it in. You can refer it from your resume mah. Candidate: But you have it right? You can print it yourself mah. Interview 3 Interviewer: My client's location is at Tuas. Candidate: Tuas ah? Aiyoh so far. I don't know how to go there. Interviewer: There's actually a company bus at Lakeside MRT so you can take the bus from there. Candidate: Aiyah but still very far. Interviewer: You live in JB right? Most candidates who lived in JB actually liked working there. Candidate: But I don't know how to go there. Take what bus? Must take how long to reach there? After minutes of explaining bus routes and such by the interviewer and "aiyoh but so far" and "I don't know how to go." from the candidate. Interviewer: Have you ever worked at any place before that doesn't have a direct bus? Candidate: No. Er....if not you don't shortlist me first lah. I don't know how to go there. If not you tell me how to go lor and how much time it takes for me to go there. A candidate that doesn't want to be shortlisted for interviews. Great. Interview 4 Candidate is interviewing for an admin job. Interviewer: So what is your weakness? Candidate: I'm very careless. Interviewer: So how careless are you? Candidate: I lost some important documents before. Interviewer: ??!!! Interview 5 Interviewer: So why did you leave your last job. Candidate: I need a change of environment because the air there was too smelly! This gives a whole new meaning to "needing a change of environment" - literally.
damn siaw wan haha
Merv Kwok, at 9/20/2005 09:39:00 AM
I shall tell you more stories next time.
I Kid You Not, at 9/20/2005 10:50:00 PM
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