Just a Nano Second
1 last post before I snooze. I'm not sure who up with the name first - by the way, nano is rather lame - but I think perhaps it's time Creative changed their name to something else. Afterall, it hasn't been very creative recently in its challenge with Apple - and though I love ipods, Apple is a dumb name too.
oh, i am simple minded. i loved apples, and i still love them.
they are using colors to seduce me, but thou shant give in to greed. nano makes me feel like a giant, like i could break it in two if it caught me on a bad hair day. fragile.
Tashes, at 9/17/2005 12:51:00 AM
forgot to say this earlier, welcome back!
Tashes, at 9/17/2005 12:52:00 AM
thanks. I've lotsa more to write about and pictures to edit. maybe later.
and my invites goes to you as well. please come to our not so cosy corner with starusticity.
I Kid You Not, at 9/19/2005 11:04:00 AM
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