Neiling in on Insanity
Last post of the year and what do I have got to say? I've finally succumbed to the dreamy side of things, real bad. I bought myself Neil Gaiman's The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes for x'mas, ensuring myself that I only bought it because I wanted to know what the hype is all about and I'll never buy a second one. Yeah right. Here I am in my fourth in no time at all after reading the first one 3 times in a row. It just grabs you, the story I meant.
In fact, I got my Kino card all for that and finally got myself the graphic version of my most beloved Stardust, 170 beautiful pages of graphics and prose, lacking only his royal signature, which I held dear in my paperback copy. Once upon a 10 years ago, my literary world was Robert Jordan, Tad Williams. Today, I'm abandoning Tad Williams' Shadow March, a book airen bought me for x'mas for the Morpheus' dreamworld.
On last count, I think I might have about 12 of his works of literary arts on hand - two of which are signed so give yourself a pat on the back Mr Smurfie and I dedicate his character from Sandman, Mervyn pumpkin head to you. I had a dream of Dream and of Death last night. Airen says I've been reading too much, too many. I supposed he is right. Time to take a little break from his worlds and take a little purity test in which I'm 10% more pure than the average, much better than I hope really.

im American Gods too!
starusticity, at 1/04/2006 11:03:00 AM
wah cool! I'm almost finishing all my sandman and sniffing away *upset* I don't think you'll be interested in it though.
I Kid You Not, at 1/04/2006 03:10:00 PM
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