Toilet Etiquette
The server room in the office should never be anywhere next to the loo. Don't ask me why but the one in our office is like that. Heck! It's not even a room at that. It's more like a broom cupboard if you ask me. So when there's a problem with the server, the system administrator basically stands in front of the cupboard with the doors open, next to the female loo entrance. Sorry folks, no photo - don't wanna get sued - though, if you've not seen it LIVE before and don't understand, too bad.
Ordinary times, it's ok to normal folks like us who sit behind our monitors and play games work really hard. BUT when the server starts falling asleep and denying itself real work for the day and your tummy starts a rumbling - and it's not due to hunger - things start getting embarrassing.
Imagine this very real scene.
The server starts acting up the whole day and Mr Pink - the system administrator - has to constantly go back and forth between the server "room" and his cubicle to check the status. Then on the other hand, the tummies of 2 other persons in the tiny office of less than 10 people starts acting up too. 1 person sitting opposite Mr Pink and the other outside the IT department.
2 of them tracing Mr Pink's movements back and forth. Trying to estimate a perfect timing for pooing without stinking the hell out of Mr Pink standing very near the female loo.
This carries on for a couple of hours with the 2 persons constantly trying to update each other on the intensity of the rumbling in the tummy and whereabouts of Mr Pink - he has never been popular before. Below is an extract from MSN between the 2 persons. 1 did managed to do unload her dump properly as she calls it while the other is still waiting for a chance at this point in time. Gosh! This is all so embarrassing and bad for health.
ronan says: ok i gotta go poop..i'll do it quietly n erm smell-lessly
I'm a certified mastermind:he's there again! my tummy is flipping over
ronan says: haha yaaaaaaa hmmm u use the gents lo hahhaha
I'm a certified mastermind: NO! I still can tahan tiz not the muz come out type juz feel gassy
ronan says: mine is eager to come out hahahahhahaha
I'm a certified mastermind: then u better go NOW! since u won't b seeing much of Mr Pink anymore. I can't coz I sit opp him n I've not tendered yet.
ronan says: hahahahahhahahahahahhhahaha ok. alrt. im gg now can u actually hear whats gg on inside huh? i wonder
I'm a certified mastermind: I dunno but if ur in there 4 some time isn't it obvious dat tiz big n not small? somemore if afterdat got smell...wah...confirm
*ronan dashes to the loo with a touch of coolness*
ronan says: i did it!
I'm a certified mastermind: great! without him there somemore!! congrats! I wonder if I'll ever hav the guts though .maybe not.
ronan says: hahaha i was lucky he walked away
ya know, you could have changed the nick!! imagine, ronan pooing in the ladies!! I am blushing right now, SHY LAH! So embarrassing
starusticity, at 6/17/2005 10:01:00 AM
well, one could always fantasize :)
I Kid You Not, at 6/17/2005 11:04:00 AM
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