Big Right? or Rather the Death of a Particular Wisdom
Surprise people - I got myself surprised too. The dentist exterminated extracted my wisdom tooth on Friday 27th May 2005 at around 4.50pm. You will not know - none of you - how cheated I felt. I was told to visit him on Friday for a x-ray and some minor cleaning therefore not the least prepared for what was to come.
Dr Chong: So? How's the tooth? The medicine worked right? By the way, I might extract your wisdom tooth today. We'll see how depending on the x-ray. Me: ??!!!At this point in time, I was still convinced that I'll have to come back again for the real deal. But no, my dentist seemed like a determined man, a really determined one at that.
Dr Chong checking the x-ray: Aiyoh! Me in slight distress: ????? Dr Chong: Your tooth is very big leh. You take a look at this (pointing to the x-ray). Big right? Me: ... Dr Chong: But, we'll try to remove it out nonetheless. try...we? you mean you right? I didn't exactly insist on you doing it today you know? Dr Chong: I'll first try to pull it out as if it were a normal tooth, you'll feel pressure, that is all. I'll use strength to move it. If it doesn't barge after a while, I'll stop immediately and we'll do it next time ok? was he trying to convince me of something? anything?I was worried, nervous, panicking, all of that. I wasn't prepared. Especially not after hearing that my wisdom has grown into an epic size - ok I really meant the tooth. It didn't help that the nurse on duty was equally edgy. First, she couldn't tell the different packs of instruments apart, then she didn't place my goggles properly - don't ask me why I need goggles - next, distressing me further by tell me that the dentist cut by my lip by accident - twice! - which he did not, at least not where she mentioned. There was this point when he was injecting my gum with anesthetic for the 2nd or 3rd time, I breathed so hard into the mirror thingy he inserted into my mouth that he had to remove it, wipe it then try again coz I blurred it. While I on the other hand was fanatically, mumbling unintelligently to him - everything at once with half of my face going numb - that I couldn't feel my nose anymore and I couldn't breathe. Followed by some laughter in the room to make me feel silly. Anyway, when the dentist got down to over stretching the left side of my mouth and apply only PRESSURE, all I could do was to make an earnest effort to stay calm and stop myself from hurting him - ok, the nurse was holding me down which makes me wonder if dentists were ever hurt in the extraction of teeth before. When it was done and me being handed the tooth in a long plastic bag, my hands wouldn't stop shaking - well, neither can my legs. It was embarrassing. The nurse had to bring in a blanket to keep me warm while the dentist off the aircon, all to calm me down in case I fall off the dental chair - whatever you call it. I couldn't stop asking people every hour or so after that, if my mouth had expanded - due to the over stretching, I felt it, I swear! - coz I do admit that I'm have a major paranoia with anything to do with my mouth and the sheer size of it. Alright then, maybe I am a bimbo but I'm no way dumb even if I couldn't exactly talk the next few hours after that. And thanks lor sis, for offering to buy me burgers when I couldn't open my mouth. I always knew I can count on you. Some special thanks to airen for take the pictures and removing the disgusting piece of gum - he says it's glue like - stuck on the tooth, which had already undergone some scientific changes, changing from pink to brown. Oh yah, nice of him to clean it too.

heh i can imagine the ordeal u been through by getting the wisdom tooth out. sound so scary...hope i will nvr ever have any problems with my wisdom tooth.
btw, its so sweet of ur airen to take pictures of ur extracted tooth hehe. And the tooth really is big lol.
FieryAngel, at 5/30/2005 09:55:00 AM
please don't imagine. it's still scaring me in my dreams at night. yes, I still dream of it.
I Kid You Not, at 5/30/2005 11:13:00 AM
freaky, it must have been traumatic.
Tashes, at 6/01/2005 09:13:00 AM
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