And thus, he shall fall... the image I held in place in a corner of my brain whenever I see the boss sprinting across our narrow "corridor" in a so sports person kinda way - the fingers stuck close together, hands straight by his side, palms pointing upward position - in case he falls so that I can have a good laugh. He did not exactly fall, but he did trip. I did not laugh, more of stun. Seriously I do not mind though, things like that should happen more often. I need more entertainment than that since glass knocking are no longer in vogue.
oh, flashbacks of's hilarious glass-knocking wednesdays.
i miss those laughters we'd shared, hoppo. i miss you.
Tashes, at 4/29/2005 12:26:00 AM
goliath almost tripped and fell when he first joined too. but it was ok coz he laughed with us. unlike the mr pink incidents.
I Kid You Not, at 4/29/2005 08:32:00 AM
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