My ipod dropped!!
My xiaomei fell onto the floor!!
What did I do? I tripped over the cable slightly and it dropped!!!
I deserved to fall, not her.
Not her, never her.
Why her????????????????? *wails*
I'm a witch. I'm an evil bimbo. The most evil if there ever was one. But then there never will be one coz bimbos are never evil.
Somethings are brewing. No, not coffee.
Xiaomei got concussed? Don't worry our highly absorbent carpet will cushion her fall.
starusticity, at 2/24/2005 03:40:00 PM
xiaohei: my heart felt a thumpthumpthump runnin' at 270mph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's all cos of u! my poor xiaomei!!!!!
Tashes, at 2/28/2005 01:15:00 PM
this heart thump thump thingy is kinda familiar...
I Kid You Not, at 2/28/2005 01:39:00 PM
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