First, the shrimps...
The babies are nowhere to be found. The mummy was seen laying eggs - which reminds me that the pictures are still with airen - but the babies, nowhere to be found. Somebody call the aquarium patrol. Airen says he read some posts from the forum he's always visiting that some guys experienced pretty much the same things. That is, sometimes, the babies are just nowhere to be found. And it's not even as if they're playing hide and seek with their parents. They're just gone. Poof! Disappear. Which leads to me think...was the divine laying, a true sighting of a "mummy" shrimp bringing her kids to life or was it simply some shrimp emptying its stomach after a heavy shrimpy meal.
e mum probably loved her children so much that she ate em.
starusticity, at 4/20/2005 09:01:00 AM
yah, like I eat crabs coz I love them right?
I Kid You Not, at 4/20/2005 10:13:00 AM
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