Emails for Remembrance' Sake
The below are a series of emails sent back and forth to Tashes when I was on leave from work. Since Tashes is leaving us this Friday and misses these emails, I shall post them here to bring her little smiles whenever she needs them.
Dear Ms Lee,
I am rather distressed to hear news of the weather forecast. I sincerely hope that the tsunami will cease and return the clear skies to the residents of your island. I myself am praying for blue skies and white clouds too. I just hope that it is not too much to ask for. If we stood together and pray sincerely, I wonder if the clear skies would return?
Ms Lee, I hope that you can understand my situation here. If I had the power to deport some poor Old man and womaN to certain deserted Paradise by the Ocean, I would have done so long ago and cut the Bridge that would lead them back to Asia. The witch in fact is looking for a way to deport instead, to another island to escape the turbulence of this place. I'm sending my pigeons out and hoping that they return with good news for a better tomorrow. I truly hope to release a white dove someday.
Updates from this side of the country.
Just when I thought I'm starting to understand THE REASON of life, it turned out to be nothing but a disappointment because try as I might, it can neither be torn nor RIPPED by any normal means. I am left with nothing but distraught and a lighter wallet.
Best Regards,
A witch you know
-----Original Message-----
From: Tashes
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 3:14 PM
To: Witch's Brew
Subject: Re: A Witch's Brew
given that i'm a duckie (and half-dead too), i'm worth less than a hundred!!
darn im cheap.
i need witch's brew (the rich takes ginseng, while cheap duckies depend on witch's brew for survival), more more more! to keep me awake! *YAWN*
btw don't bother hurting some poor Old man and womaN, just deport them to some Paradise by the Ocean and let them live happily ever after there.
weather forecast for early next week: the initial prediction of clear skies has been destructed by the tsunami, the skies are forecasted to be gloomy, with heavy downpours and thunderstorms. the residents of my island are left devastated.
----- Original Message -----
From: Witch's Brew
To: Tashes
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 2:45 PM
Subject: RE: A Witch's Brew
Dear Ms Lee,
I am pleased to hear that you loved receiving my witch's mail and am glad to know that you are alive, not kicking any nearby buckets yet.
I was terribly afraid that you might delete this mail of regard, thinking that it was a virus of some sort.
And since you've survived the ordeal, I believe the hats must have found their true home and purpose in life now.
Some minor updates from my side again since the last witch's mail.
I've gone through my HOPES AND FEARS and enjoyed it quite well though I'll probably need a bit more time to dig deeper into my inner soul to truly enjoy what hopes that I might still have - Fears are a thing for the next day and true enough, the next day might drive me to the deepest of all hell. Someone out there please bless me with the strength to endure stupidity else I shall have to pray for others' salvation, in the event that I blew it and hurt some poor old man and woman.
On a last note, please refer to the attached file for your own entertainment purposes and I would be pleased to hear more updates from you.
Best Regards,
Again, a witch you know.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tashes
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 2:15 PM
To: Witch's Brew
Subject: Re: A Witch's Brew
hahhahahahahahahaaa i love recving witch mail!!
btw, i survived!
----- Original Message -----
From: Witch's Brew
To: Tashes
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 1:44 PM
Subject: A Witch's Brew
> Dear Ms Lee,
> I have no other means to contact you not daring to connect to the Media'S
> Network that we always used thus, decided to use this most conservative
> method other than sending a pigeon down to you.
> Through my certain contacts, I've got to know that you were dragged out
> against your wishes to endure certain terrible ordeals. Here, I give you my
> most sincere sympathy.
> Some updates from my side, the Witch is unable to brew up a retail storm
> today due to circumstances at home but have acquired yet another Audio
> Compact Disc. The first disc bought yesterday signifies my HOPES AND FEARS
> and the one today tells THE REASON why I'm still living till this day.
> Lastly, stay strong and pass this day safe and sound.
> best regards,
> A witch you know.
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