X'mas Eve
It's the time of the year again. Jingle bells ring, making merry, presents giving. It's x'mas time.
For some reason somehow, it's so un-x'masy this year. Nobody's singing carols, nobody's really wishing the "Merry X'mas" thingy. I don't feel x'mas anywhere. There's no longer the x'mas spirit in the air. GASP! Has it left us and gone to another merry land?
The mood in the office is strange. There's only a couple of persons left. 4 guys, tashes and me. Oh and LH has come back. She's female. Everybody is strangely contented at working hard except for the 2 of us. It seems too much like an April afternoon, are we been played pranks on?
Theme song for the day - silent night or rather afternoon.
It's so hard to stay working when the outside world is celebrating already. I'm disconnected from my work.
Everybody is still working quietly and happily. Why is that so?
It's a skill that I never want to master.
Tashes and I are lamely trying to be x'masy.
We celebrate by going to Mac for lunch and buying each other a neopet each as gifts. Humming x'masy songs and typing MSN in red and green font colors.
Say hi to Green Jubjub, Red Quiggle & us.
On a last note, I sent MMS to my friends and one of them replied back...
"OI! Retrieve fail lah. You got nothing to do in the office is it?"
..........ok, so much for a X'mas mood.
Merry X'mas anyway.
yea, poor folks out there in the sun while we are enjoying the white christmas here! :)
hey it's getting a lil' too chilly, let's get away from the snow.
Tashes, at 12/24/2004 04:01:00 PM
Yah right the snow is so cold!
hahaha lamer
I Kid You Not, at 12/24/2004 04:03:00 PM
i want an aisha
starusticity, at 12/24/2004 08:16:00 PM
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