Some people just won't take No for an answer. These are the norms.
There are others, a minority perhaps that will not take I don't know for one.
I know one such person.
I'm a witch. I'm an evil bimbo. The most evil if there ever was one. But then there never will be one coz bimbos are never evil.
Somethings are brewing. No, not coffee.
u evil thing, u've broken the heart of your beloved pink baby!
but oh well, like he can catch the hint! what was i thinking?!
Tashes, at 12/23/2004 03:54:00 PM
I've been tormented by the Pink man. He even destroyed my nose.
And you? There you are gloating over it. I get it! You're his friend when I thought you were mine!! You two are in this together!!
You Pink tormentors.
I Kid You Not, at 12/23/2004 03:59:00 PM
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