Short MSN Extract
Another extract from MSN. This time a short one. Counting Down...2 Days! is obviously Fion and Star Fish is me. Counting Down...2 Days! says: just now we went for lunch, yana ask how come we dun wanna buy maggie mee eat in office. i say not healthy then Mr Y say got a research on a mice to eat maggie mee for a week. then the mice died Counting Down...2 Days! says: then mr philip say perhaps the mice dun wanna eat maggie mee so stuff to death muahaha Star Fish says: hahahahahahaahahaha
Sorry, i spelled the word "stuff" to death wrongly on msn. Should be "Starve" not "stuff". Thanks yiling for spotting my mistake -.-
FieryAngel, at 11/09/2004 08:58:00 AM
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