I'm still searching for my goal in life. The path to take. The way to go. Fion says that we have to make our marks on the walls like mice to make sure that we never come back to the same spot again. To ensure that we get to our cheese someway, somehow. I'm leaving marks on almost every wall. My problem seemed to be not knowing which cheese to pick up instead of not being able to find any cheese. I'm picking cheese at every spot. They taste all the same, yet still different. Should I keep going till I find THE cheese but will I even? What is THE cheese anyway? By the way, the tomcats and pussycats have all gone out.
Well, its better to move on to find new cheese rather than continue eating the same old cheese till it turns bad or runs out. Those ppl who tries to find new cheese have higher chances to find new and better opportunities than those who keep waiting at the same spot hoping more cheese will appear magically before them. wow! im getting philosophical and chim =D
FieryAngel, at 11/05/2004 10:58:00 AM
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