Jay's Concert - 27th Nov 2004
Though I woke up to a horrible morning coz of that evil man, I had to say that I was still looking forward to my first ever concert. I'm from the mountain, and have never ever been to any concerts before. Went to suntec for some NYDC - though was trying to swear off pasta for 2 month after the "plump chicken" incident - then off to Sunshine Plaza for some One Piece Zorro candy toys and Bugis for more candy toys to try to pass some time before the main event. Hurried off to Kallang MRT at about 7.15pm. I'm getting excited. Followed the crowd upon reaching the station and walked to Indoor stadium and am starting to perspire ALOT. Never knew Indoor was so far from the station. It's about 7.50pm when we finally reached. Crowds are building up. Heartbeat is still normal. Not so excited now but am looking forward to see how it'll be like. Got in through the East gate. Where are our seats? Huh? The second last row? What kind of $128 tickets are these? Second last row??? I demand a refund!! And huh?? The words "JAY" on the stage seemed to be facing the West and not to mention that we seemed to be facing the back of the band instruments too. Are we destined to see his butt from such a distance for the next 2 hours or so for $128 each? REFUND!! Messaged Yiling to ask her whereabouts. She has not reached yet. She's stuck in a cab, in a jam and trying to control her pee at the same time. Somehow, I rather she never reached coz when she finally did, we realized that she had a so much better view, if at an angle. She has a better view at $30 less! Have to yell to remind Jay that the people in the middle pay more thus he has to limit his time at the corners of the stage, especially the corner on the East side coz Yiling sounded so happy!!! People are screaming. I don't know why. Seems that some people near the black tunnel they pulled out to connect to the stage, saw Jay walking in and his head bobbing up and down - I only got to know this after I read a review this afternoon. How he came from the west corner, entered from the bottom of the stage and finally came down from about 2 storeys high I'll never know. Magic? More like technology. But how? I almost thought that he has been standing up there since 7.30pm waiting for the correct timing to come down. Music started. In the name of the father, my heart is beating faster than normal. Concert started. Hey! When did those 3 red curtains fall off? Damn where was I looking? Didn't see the actual falling till after I saw the pathetic short video ren captured on his cybershot for XiaoYe. Didn't know he was on the cross till much later. Heck I didn't even know there was a big white cross floating down. What was I doing?? Must be the excitment. Ren commented that I'm really from the mountain. Probably that's why I didn't know where to look. Well, maybe I should blame it on the groupies. I felt like an 80 year old ah ma beside those groupies. They wave their colored glow in the dark sticks non stop for the entire concert without their arms ever falling off, screamed, yelled, stood up and got excited over every stupid, lame, wonderful, funny, fast, slow songs/moment. What is the world turning into. I sit there laughing at their lameness. I AM old. The sound system sucked big time. The bass was too strong, far too loud. Couldn't hear him clearly. Things finally settled down when he sang the slower ones, the unplugged was great. He had a good voice afterall. Played the flute during one of the first few songs. Ok, so he knows instruments other that guitar and piano. Played rather well too. Makes me wanna pick up flute too and add that to my other music playing talent - radio and ipod. He danced? Jay danced? Ok I'm impressed. That's something really new. He sang the words to Dad, I'm Home with the music to Rice Fields. Wow! I'm really impressed now. That IS cool. He sang Quiet. He finally sang Quiet. Ren was so excited. He has been waiting for that the whole night. That's the only complete song that he knows how to sing. His all time favourite. Ren took out his handphone and started recording it after I showed him what the groupie in front of us was doing. He recorded a total of 7 songs I think. It was a mess of screams and sssssssssssssss...... when we played back later. Where was Jay's voice? In the midst of all that. Had to strain the ears to find it. Had a good laugh about it though. The plump curly hair guy who came out singing "Oh my dear cows, where are you?" during Rice Field was hilarious I couldn't stop laughing. I almost fell off my seat when Jay *makes some DJAYing noise* went "Xin Jia Po" *makes some DJAYing noise* and "Xin Jia PO" again. It was soooo lame but apparantly the groupies thought it was endearing. Liked the fat guy from Nan Quan Mama, he sings well. Like his lazy voice. I'm a sucker for lazy voices. Landy was scary. I had to look away. What was she doing? Selling pork at a wet market? Gosh! The last thing I expected at this concert was something like that. She was wearing bits of clothing - little bits - shaking her booty like nobody's business and sticking like plaster on a male dancer and stuff. To Landy "Please stop doing that. I appreciate your professionalism as a special guest but it's a bit erm...scary especially in front of such a huge young crowd. Ok I have an 80 year old mind and so what? Keep that down will you? An ah ma like me can't take it and ask that guy to crawl elsewhere please." Was disappointed they didn't duet Rooftop but maybe they were just trying to surprise the audience by not doing what we expected. Was glad that Jay decided to shed those strange clothings he had on and lame performances from his last concert - ah ma like me lived on the mountain and watched it in DVD - and wore nice, normal, decent clothing - I'm old I told you. The groupies in front of me are driving me crazy. Hey!! You don't have to stand all the way you know? By the way, do you know that you're really tall and me right behind you, am really short? I dread the times Jay comes over to the East side. There he is right in front, straight ahead but I had to look at the screen coz I'm blocked by the ever-standing-whenever-he's-near groupies. I see him more clearly when he's standing at the East corner. Heck! Isn't there where Yiling is? My mind is in a mess. Should I yell for him, send some psi messages to him and get him to move away from the $98 area or let him remind there so I can catch a better view of his body? - Yup! His body. I can't see his face. I'm that far away and that's him holding the mike right? Don't tell me I've been looking at the wrong person the whole night. The pink piano performance was cool too serves as a reminder to me that I'll never be able to play one coz my fingers are too slow and only meant for typing on keyboards like now. There were 2 or 3? encores. This guy is really full of himself. How many times must he make the crowd yell his name. Well, I didn't. I'm an old ah ma. Sometimes I suspect he wrote the song, Grandma for me. Didn't sing it last night though. Sang Granddad's Tea instead. Think he prefers elderly males to females. He just had to sing Common Orange Jasmine. How can he not? He requested all us to sing together with him. He'll be so disappointed to know that there's a person in the huge crowd that can only sing the title itself, nothing else and he's sitting next to me, holding my right hand on our 25th month anniversary.
haiyoh, i was not very close!! tho it was a real good view for the price i paid *grin*, and i've been closer before so, *shrugs* as in RRREEEAAAAAL close, as in just beside....
starusticity, at 11/30/2004 02:55:00 PM
are you alive?
starusticity, at 12/01/2004 05:37:00 PM
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