Of Hippos and Hoppos
Finally...I'm able to really start on my blog. I've been counting down since the time I stepped into the office - at approximately 8:30am - till now.
OUCH!!! Damn damn damn damn damn!!! I just scratched the inside of my ear with my nail!?!?!?! ARGH!!! What kind of a dork am I??? The stupidest kind!!! &*%$&$#^&^%
OK! OK! back to my blog &*%$&$ Start writing something for goodness's sake instead cursing and swearing.
Hmm...what to write? Should I write about my dream last night where I spent the whole night catching birds of all kinds, big and small? Or the guy who I “spied” on the train while he was having a wet dream as Tashes put it.
Ah...talking about the dream, I suddenly felt that there must be a big huge reason for me having that dream. I've been feeling so full of myself since I can't remember when. Full of butt, full of stomach, full of thighs. It must have been my sub conscious self exercising on the behalf of my entirely conscious mind. *nods head in agreement* No wonder I'm feeling so tired today. Wow! I wonder if I have this kind of dream for a month straight, would I be able to lose 3 kgs?
Anyway, gals are strange – I’m one of them. First they complain that they’re fat then they say they’re hungry. Then when given a can of soup, they'll say it’s too much work to open it up and boil and etc when they actually need some kind of exercise – any kind!! *Still wondering if that dream last night was a kind of exercise*
And in any case, I've almost given up hope on losing weight coz I realized that I've already admitted and resigned myself to being hoppo.
Yeah...Hoppo from Wuzzles.
She looks and behaves exactly like me so how can I not resign myself to my fate?
No. No. No. No. No. 5 straight nos that I won’t make this blog a diet diary coz I’ll be too upset to know that I have not lost any kind of weight at all at the end of it. *munching cupcakes*
Gotta write something else next time. Weighty issues are always depressing and I find myself extremely depressed.
Hmmm....if I get really depressed as in physically depressed, would that count as losing weight?
I really wanna eat some chocolates now :(
BTW I just realized, thanks to Tashes that there's really no greener grass on the other side unless you UP the colors in a picture - of grass - with some software.
Remember folks!! No greener grass on other side alright.
Hoppo hopping off
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